Lier, Lier, Pants on Fire!

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I looked out the window of the car, seeing everything pass by while holding my pink, used backpack. I used this backpack when I was little, going on some trips to Warped to see daddy. Warped Tour is very loud. The last one I went to was a couple weeks ago, the last Warped Tour.

I see various of people holding up cameras talking just like daddy dies. One guy wearing blue, one guy wearing all black, one girl holding a stuffed panda, one guy with these big earring things and that other guy which he screamed his name. Seer.

Do they play at Warped Tour?

The car stopped, I looked up seeing my kindergarten. I unbuckled out of my car seat, holding my back pack. I then walked in with daddy.

Seeing the doors of the different classrooms, I seen my classroom. Daddy picked me up.

"Bye, sweetie. Have fun at kindergarten." Daddy kissed my cheek and then I go in.

Bandit is sitting there with another girl. I never saw her here before. I went to them. Bandit looks up.

"Poppy!" I smiled and waved.

"This is Kaiden." Kaiden looks at me mumbling a hi. I don't know if she likes me that much. Saying hi back, I played with the wooden blocks that Kaiden and Bandit were playing with.

Kaiden took the block out of my hand. Seeing another block next to me, I took that and that's gone too. I look at Kaiden.

"Kaiden, may I have one of those blocks please?" I asked politely. Kaiden put the blocks behind her, like she's protecting something she adores.

"I need them." Kaiden said.

I look down at the blocks in front of her. She has a lot.

"You have a lot. Please, may I have one?"

"No!" She screamed. All the kids turn to look at me, Kaiden and Bandit. The teacher came up to us.

"What's going on here?" The teacher folded her arms. Kaiden spoke.

"Poppy tried to steal blocks from me!" The teacher looked at me.

"Is that true, Poppy?" The teacher asked me.

"No. I didn't she took them away from me." I said quietly.

"She's lying! She stole from me and yelled at me!" Kaiden lied.

"Poppy Trippy! If anybody comes to me today stealing, or yelling, I'm calling your parents!" I shook my head.

The teacher walked away, the kids continuing doing what they were doing. I sat there silently.

Kaiden came up to me.

"Lier, lier pants on fire!" Kaiden laughed. Bandit gave me an apologetic look.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2014 ⏰

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