PoppyTard (Sequel to: My Life as a Tard)

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My name is Poppy. I'm 5 years old. My mommy is Ellie and my daddy is Chaz. I live in California. It's fun.

We do this thing called "Vlogging" it's where you talk to a camera and take it where ever you go. It's like showing your life to people. That's scary.

I like hanging out with my aunt Avia and Aunt Emmi. They're fun. Uncle Daxton is awesome too!

I pick up my stuffed animal, sitting on the floor, and talked to mommy who is just sitting in the couch.

"Mommy, who is Ariana Grande?" All I know is that she's famous. I saw her name in a magazine in the store earlier.

"She's a singer and a actress. Grandpa interviewed her before. She signed aunt Avia an autograph before too." I shook my head, hearing enough of Ariana Grande.

"When does daddy come home?" I ask mommy.

"In a bit."

Mommy told me that daddy is a big YouTube star with 3,000,000 subscribers. People who like him a lot, that these people are part of his group now. He has the whole world like him!

Mommy has 2,000,000 subscribers. Mommy told me I was born on YouTube. What does that mean?

Mommy's phone rang, and mommy picked it up. She got up and went into the kitchen. I could hear her make a noise when you are surprised. Mommy walked back into the living room, meaning that she's done talking on the phone.

"Poppy, your shoes on, take Ariel with you." Ariel is my stuffed animal fish.

Where are we going?

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