Chapter 8

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All of them were in Neil room.

Neil : now tells me more about yourself!

Rai: about me it's nothing special but I works under Avni di. I am her p.a. I love you to read and traveling but didn't get chance due to business. There is lots which unknown about me which I don't know myself.

Neil was hearing everything carefully. He went to and took her hand in his.

Neil : I don't know what you might have faced but believe In yourself and live the present.make yourself comfortable but remember one thing don't let people ruin your life. Ignore them, they only know how to destroy people life. Whenever you have problem you know where to come. You have a another brother. Now forget all this.

Rai smiled hearing and hugged him. Avni was doing admiring. Rahul was happy rai as she got another brother. Neil broke hug and patted her.

Neil : let's not get emotional. I have plan. In evening we will roam around Pune. Until let's have watch movie.

All agreed. All settled down. Avni was making herself Drink when her phone rang.

Avni : bahi I will be back.

Rahul nods. Avni goes to corner to take call.

Avni : hello

Other side; ma'am there is emergency meeting.

Avni : where is the meeting and when!

Other : ma'am it's in Pune with some clients. Meeting is tomorrow morning. Should I send you presentation link.

Avni : no its okay, I will make it. Thank you informing. How is work going on.

Other side: so far everything is well as you expect ma'am.

Avni : that good. I see you call you in night to get information about meeting.

Other side: ok ma'am!
Avni cuts call and went to them and saw everyone was busy watching the movie. She didn't wanted Disturb so she went kitchen and made coffee and took it to her room.
She took her laptop and starts working on presentation.

Downstairs. Movie got ended and they laughed at end of movie because it's was kind of funny comedy scene. Then Rahul noticed Avni wasn't there.

Rahul : rai where is Avni?
Neil and rai also looked but Didn't find her.

Rai : Bahi I think di is still on call. Don't know who she talking to!

Rahul : you guys wait I will check on her!

Neil : let's all go and see!
Rahul nods and followed Rahul to find Avni.

They reached to Avni room and saw working on laptop. Rahul smiled seeing his sister working. Avni was so much engrossed which she didn't see she had audience inside her room.

Rahul quietly went to Avni and screamed her name due to this Avni jumped and cup of coffee fell on her laptop. Rahul got scared seeing this because he know her anger.
Avni saw her laptop went black screen. She calmed herself bit. Then she tried opening laptop but didn't open, now her anger was on peak. She was still looking at her laptop screen and shouted.

Avni : what the fuck bahi you did this? Bahi you ruined my presentation. How I am got recover copy of presentation. Speak up on.

She looks up and was shocked to see Neil face. When Avni was trying open her laptop that time Rahul hid behind Neil. Avni starts swearing without looking at.

Avni was no mood to speak to anyone so picked her stuff and went of her room.
Others stood there.

Neil was shocked to see her anger. He thought she is very quiet person as she doesn't speak.

Rai: I will go to di!
She was going to but hand made stop. She looks and saw Rahul holding her hand.

Rahul : she is very angry don't go!

Rai nods and stays back there. Neil was looking at them.

Neil : guys I will cancel today plan.

Rahul : don't. There is still time. I know Avni won't come but you and rai go until I will see Avni.

Neil : Rahul actually lets cancel it. I mean you guys are tried so we will another day.

Rahul nods in understanding. Rahul and rai leaves to their Room while Neil cleans up Avni room.

After cleaning he went back to his room. He laid on his bed and starts thinking.

Neil povs:
What if she comes back! No this time no worries running for her. I will face and show who is will Neil Khanna. This Avni she is mastery for me. She has different side. She always stares at me but when I look at her she quickly divert her gaze to somewhere else but whatever is she is innocent.neil stop thinking about her.

He was thinking when he heard shouting from garden. He went to his balcony and what see made him shock.

I will update other four stories in night.

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