"A fucking psycho!" She yells, her voice echoing throughout the stairway.

"There we go!" He exclaims, the high pitched laughter following. "Now let's get started."

With that, he grabs her wrist and pushes her into the garage. The two of them rush over to the rest of the impatient team members.


Barbara used her charms to lure Jim Gordon out of the precinct. Baldy was with her to help make sure Jim Gordon stays out of the precinct. That left Cannibal, Jerome, a few corrupted cops, and herself to control and shoot up the precinct.

"Shoot to kill," Cannibal reminds her as Jerome makes his way to the commissioner's office. Cannibal throws the canister of smoke, waiting for it to ignite before pulling out his gun.

Evelyn does the same, aiming her pistol at every cop she can see through the smoke. Hesitantly, she fires at the man beside her, blood shooting out from the other side of his head.

A pulse of adrenaline rushes through her, causing her lips to form the grin of nightmares. Officers hear her laugh echo, just as they could in the Asylum.

Evelyn continues shooting, Cannibal laughing beside her. A bullet whizzes past her head, forcing her to duck a few moments after.

In a matter of moments, everyone was either dead or unconscious. Evelyn looks up at the sound of Jerome's laughter. The sight of the woman tied to a chair brings mixed feelings to the younger adult. Evelyn takes her police cap off, allowing the black strands of hair to fall neatly atop her shoulders.

Jerome whistles before throwing his hat off to the side. "Hell of a first week you're having, Commissioner." He pulls off his jacket. "I wish I could tell you that things were gonna get better for you. They're not."

Evelyn simultaneously removes the makeup with her sleeve while watching Jerome command the camera from Cannibal.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Rule the world, blah blah blah. But, we'll settle for some dead cops and some good PR." He grins before nodding. "Kidding."

"Yeah, whatever, I get it. You're just crazy."

"Well, that's not very nice," Evelyn comments, noticing the glint in Jerome's eyes as she walks up the steps towards them. "'Crazy' isn't a nice word."

"No, we prefer a different term," Jerome agrees, grabbing Evelyn's hand and helping her onto the combined metal tables they're all standing on. He bends his knees, getting on the Commissioner's level while attempting to look serious.

"Very soon, little man, you'll be dead," the Commissioner threatens. "The world will go on without you. You'll be nothing. No one will even remember your name."

Jerome smirks, tilting his head in amusement. The lady's obviously trying to bait them or even stall them for extra time.

Jerome shakes his head before standing up again. "Nope. That is where you're wrong, old lady. We will leave a mark on this city! We will spread across it like a virus. Do you know why?"

"Cause there's nothing more contagious than laughter," Cannibal laughs, aiming the camera at the three of them.

Evelyn raises her gun after noticing the pissed off look on Jerome's face. She shoots Cannibal in the stomach, causing him to fall down. The camera lands on the table, still angled at the Commissioner.

"Thanks, Dollface."

The Commissioner raises an eyebrow at the pet name. "Dollface?" She repeats before barking out a laugh. "Oh sweetie, you're with this guy?"

"Not that I recall," Evelyn answers, furrowing her brows. Blood spatter coats her cheek, but the Commissioner ignores it and even has the audacity to smirk.

"You'll be dead before tomorrow evening," the elder woman chuckles. "It's a miracle you even made it this far."

"He's not the one keeping me alive, сука (bitch)," Evelyn snaps, quickly aiming her gun at her. "You on the other hand..."

"She's kinda tapping into her 'inner psycho' at the moment," Jerome comments, taking back the attention. "I suggest you don't bother her with meaningless stalling."

The Commissioner glares at Jerome before slamming her forehead into his nose. He recoils, laughing maniacally as he gently touches the broken nose. Blood travels past his lips, making his smirk seem ten times creepier.

"That's gonna leaves a mark," the Commissioner nods, no longer smirking.

"You got me!" He exclaims before leaning closer. "My turn."

Shooting the woman took no hesitation or effort from Jerome. The shot's loudness nearly startles Evelyn off the table. The elder woman gasps, holding on to her stomach as she struggles to stay alive.

The blood blooms on her white buttoned-down shirt, bleeding through and already attaching itself to the hand covering the wound. Evelyn watches as the panic in her eyes increases. The life, slowly draining away. In an odd way, it was almost satisfying to watch.

If only Reece understood.

"Dollface," Jerome croons, making Evelyn jump out of her thoughts. "Be my camera girl?"

Evelyn nods, stepping over to the camera before gently picking it up. Before she could put her eye in the little spot for her to see, Jerome pulls her close, closing the distance between the two.

The distant groans of the Cannibal can be heard. Soon enough, his panicked gasps fill the silence. Evelyn shoots him without even looking but knew her target was silenced when he stopped gasping.

Jerome grins at the action before gripping the back of her head and pulling her into a kiss. The kiss was messy and metallic-tasting, but powerful. It was enough for Evelyn to want more.

But before they could even get started, he pulls away and lifts the camera gently at an angle that suits him well.

The little speech he gave was cute, Evelyn would admit. For a moment, when he turned the camera to her, she was scared Reece was watching.

But Reece is dead. So's her mother, her father, and Amara. No one to judge her lifestyle, no one to stop her.

This was the new and improved Evelyn. And damn, it felt great.


Happy New Year!


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