I Lied.. | 25 |

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That was all my imagination. I made myself believe. I made myself believe that he might love me back. I made myself hurt. I'm the reason I'm hurting. Yoongi can't help who he loves. It's not even really a decision for him.

It wasn't my decision either, though.

I tried my best not to form a small crush on Yoongi when I first met him. I tried to hide my feelings, which bundled up and increased my feelings for him. The more I held it in, the bigger it got. The more I liked him, the more I learned, and the more time we spent together, I had developed feelings that I should have known would never be returned..

I just thought...wrong.

I suddenly hear the door open.

I was in the practice room dancing my little body away. Dancing had always helped me relieve stress and my emotions, so I came here to just spill it all out. I was crying, dancing, and overthinking all in one.

I wiped my tears away quickly with my long sleeves and I turned around to see that Yoongi was merely two inches away from me, and he was coming closer by the second, not saying a word. I could feel my eyes grow wider as he got uncomfortably close to my face when suddenly...

He pulled me in and hugged my waist.

"Y-Yoongi?" I said and hesitantly put my arms around his neck and hugged back softly. "W-why are you hugging me? Why are you here?"

"Because.. Because I need to apologize." He said with a soft and genuine voice.

"A-apologize?" I asked. "For what?"

"For lying to you." Yoongi said and squeezed me tighter. "I'm sorry."

"What?" I laughed and pushed him gently away and he looked into my eyes with complete sorrow and regret. "What did you lie about?"

"About my mate." He said and my heart stopped once again.

So he does have a mate? God damnit- can't I ever get some peace with my fragile heart and emotions? Just once???

"What- I thought you said you didn't have a mate?" I said sadly and looked at him and he smiled at me.

"I do have a mate." Yoongi said as he walked over to a bench and sat down, I followed him. "He's.. He's cute. He's funny and loveable and he's so kind, Jimin. He is the kindest and sweetest boy I've ever met. A-and I didn't know he was my mate until like a month ago maybe, but I've known him for quite some time now.. And.. I couldn't tell if he liked me back or not so.. So I lied to him, Jimin. He's my mate."

I looked at him with shock as he just spilt his feelings out so easily. He looked up at me and his lips formed up into a shy curve and he looked so scared to be speaking to me. I didn't have to force anything out of him as he willingly told me.. about his mate-

Wait.. lied to? Wait, bitch are you seriously telling me-

"You're my mate, Jiminie." Yoongi said, obviously catching my confused expression.

"Wh-what?" I smiled widely. "Really?!" I said and jumped up and hugged him tightly. "So you do like me?" I said and looked in his eyes.

"Baby, I've liked you for forever now." He rolled his eyes and I giggled and sighed in relief.

So you mean to tell me that I sat here for thirty minutes crying for no reason?

"I like you too Yoongi," I said and he smiled lightly at me and I continued. "I had a crush on you the first day I met you, I just never thought you'd like me so I kept it to myself."

We looked at each other for a couple of seconds and then I put my hand on his and he intertwined them together.

"So, you feel the electricity too?" I asked and he nodded and smiled his gummy smile at me.

"Your scent, your touch, your smile, your voice, your presence.." He said and looked at our hands and then back at me. "It all makes me so happy Jimin.."

He cupped my left cheek with his free hand and then leaned in and pressed his lips against mine softly, I kissed back slowly and then Yoongi pulled away to put his head against mine. I had never felt so complete in my life.

"I've waited so long to do that." He said and I smiled brightly. "Me too" I said and he put his arm around my waist and pulled me on top of him, making my legs straddle him causing me to blush.

  "Will you be my boyfriend, Jimin?" Yoongi asked me and I blushed even more. "Of course I will Yoongi." I smiled and he pulled me in to hug me once again.

  We both hugged and cuddled and we stayed that way for what seemed like hours until we both fell asleep on the practice room bench.

Boy was this eventful

My Mate |Yoonmin|✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt