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Silver was bored out of her mind as she were in her little baby bed with way to high fence things around.

If she was thinking right it would'vebeen now around New year time, the most fun time if you loved seeing fireworks and it was a tradition for her.

Her little brain prosessor was working now in full speed, she was planing on making it grand. But she were in need of help, that she knew.

"Sun!" she hadn't yet control or learned to use the link.

"Swipe" Ratchet looked dumbfounded at the little sparkling.

"Why are you calling for them?"

"Kneed Zen." He smiled and did her the favour on calling on them. But he did it for her, but didn't like the idea. Something was off, something he didn't like the feeling off.

Swipe and Sunny appears in the door, only a few clicks after Ratchet had called them in Silver name.

"Yes?"They looked at him with huge optics.

"Not me, Silver.."

They walked over to Silver who was smiling and giggling. Lifting the small servos to them.

"Awe, brother, I think Silver wants to be holding by you."

He slowly picked Silver up, so small and tiny as the Sparkling was he didn't feel like this sparkling would brake in his servos.

"Don't loose her or drop her..."

They nodded before escaping from Ratchet, non of them were on good foot with the old Mech. Even if it never meant harm or hatred , but it had stayed that way.

They would pool the pranks, he would trow wrenches after them to so repair them. A friendship of the more interesting part, or nerves wreaking for him.

"What you had in mind Sparkling?" They stopped in their room were they would be alone.

"Kaboom!" Silver said with a huge smile.


"Sparkles in sky, shiny." Silver saw they had really no idea what the sparkling program was saying. Were is the overwrite program, thinking and searching.

"What is the Sparkling doing?" Sunny looked over at Swipe.

"No idea.."

Suddenly Sunny froze as the small sparkling changed the way moving. Like something had taken over the body.

"This would be better I think. yes, but let me be fast." The overwrite would just work for a short time before the program overwrite would happen.

The two mech couldn't believe what they heard, Silver had still memories left. But they promised not to tell anybody about the plan or the memories.

"But we have to include Wheeljack, you know that."

"By Primus, brother. You know what happened last time...."

"We just love once brother."

Swipe nodded and looked at Silver.

"We will set you off at the Boss place, so we will take care of the rest."

"YEY" giggling happy, back with her sparkling program. Really, if just found a way to get rid of that program, would be so happy.

But she never ended up at Optimus place as she found a way to do her part. Giggling for Silver had much bigger plans, giggling even more.

She used one of the newer powers she had been granted , making a huge mess.

Meantime the two twins found Wheeljack and told him about the idea of making fireworks , but not mentioning Silver in this.

He was just happy he could blow thing up, but were in need of black powder and other chemicals that would glow in diffrent colours. He was lucky with still having some information from earth .

"Ok, but get me black powder, or what humans call it gun powder . I will get the chemicals needed to it. Try to be back in... two human hours."

They nodded and parted, the two twins went for the gun makers.

Wheeljack in mean time were stopped by a little sparkling that gave him more crazy idea. The little one was planing it huge. He were in need of an other genius to this , en evil one.

OP found Silver in front of his door giggling .

So the evening came, Silver had been in reacharge as she were in need of all the power there was to hold so small body awake.

Optimus was more wondering if something was wrong with Silver, giggling in reacharge and when waking up.

"gath evlione togathere tinget Callie's." Still giggling.

He felt like he had no other choice, but in same time it was a good way to show them the first sparkling for this new born Cybertron. Giving hope to the bots that soon more sparkling would be born.

*Sneezing * suddenly the little sparkling did. Then again and again before stopping on the seven time.

Optimus panicked , that didn't normally happened with sparkling. no, non bots had ever sneezed.

Sending live feed to Ratchet, hoping he would know. He was lucky for Ratchet knew what had happened .

"Silver is letting out some extra energy for some reason ... most go... No way! By Primus, you will not believe this Prime."

Suddenly the Lie went quiet, Prime looked down on the sparkling and smiled. At least there wasn't anything wrong with Silver. But he couldn't get in contact with Ratchet.

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed the new chapter. I am unsure if I will be able to publish more of this one this year. So Happy New Year and hope the new year will bring you good memories.

Your author

Hope to see you next year

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