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Everyone froze at their place, slowly turning to face you.

"Who was that?!"


Everyone eyed you from top to toe. Looking at you as if you had been a fairy or something magical.

"You can talk?" A yellow bot asked. He talked, he talked. You smiled for your self giggling, he lost kind of his charm now.

The yellow bot looked more excited now, as two of them had fallen over. Ratchet was nearly tipping over, but he stayed at bay. Knowing he had to help the others.

"Say, do you remember anything about.... well.... before you were a cybertronian sparkling?"

You stopped up, he was right at some weird point. How did you know every name, why did you look like a human and not like the others. What was a human being?

Suddenly your body felt tired, optics began shooting down along with the rest of you.

"By Primus sake, stay with us!" You could feel the bond overflowing with feeling from different bots, servos taking you slowly up.

Before you entered a black of state, your mind made you a black room. You could move, but you knew this wasn't real. Scared, you sat in the corner in a foster position.

"Hello Y/N Silver, what's wrong?"
A tall bot in shining armor suddenly appear in front of you. In the air you can see a yellow and blue bond between you two. It's different from the others, it's so more shining and bigger.

"That's a car.... you can call it a parent bound. I made you my little sparkling." His hands were warm as they went around me.

"I am sorry, my little sparkling for all the problems I have given you." His head rested on mine.

"I will unlock your past when you will be ready. But for now I will only open up the most important memories."

It was as if a fog was lifted from you, at least to some parts.

"What's your name.... dad?" It came out more weird than you hoped for. Making you blush, if that was possible in this form.

"Well, they are waiting on you, go." He said smiling, everything started to blurry out.

"My name is....P."

You didn't hear more, for in next second you almost hit your head with an other as you sat up in the bed.

"By Primus sake, warn me!" Ratchet was grumpy as always, but that was Ratchet. He smiled at you, you couldn't believe he smiled. Looking slowly around, you say a red bot staring at you.

"You made the old Hatchet smile?!" His statement would get him killed if it wasn't for that Ratchet properly didn't want more to repair.

For in the next mili second a huge wrench hit the mech in his helmet, making him fly back wards with a loud CLING that properly left a huge bend in his helmet.

You turned to face Ratchet, that was smiling with an satisfied smile.
"A good hit..." you could hear him mumble.

"Ahh were was I?" You knew that statement wasn't true, he knew and remember exactly were he was. But that made my spine go cold for a short time.

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