Something isn't right, I guess

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As the feeling of warm and light surrounds you, you hear something. Someone is whispering to you, you can't make out what they are saying.

You drift off to dream world, that is at least what you are thinking.

A man sitting on a edge, looking at the sunrise. His face is dark, only a pair of blue eyes are looking at you.

"Hi there." He says, his voice deep and clear. Showing with his hand that you can sit beside him.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" He asked you slowly.


"Maybe we finally found a home planet..." you hear him whisper to him self. Making his statement, it's so wrong.

"Why do you laugh?" Sounds more surprised.

"Well..." you put you mind together, "a home is a place with family and friends you want to protect, doesn't need to be home planet. Home is were you have a house and want to stay" you manage it.

"You are right, but were are you?"

"Me, hmmm... I was at a city that were attacked by was a huge machine that felt and.......ohh good..." you stepped slowly backwards as you so them...

"No way......"

He looked confused at you, "what wrong?"

"Robot... you..... I have seen were helping that boy to kill him...."

"Optimus....Zat isn't any normal feme... can't you scan za femme?"

One that looked as a rescue helicopter looked down at you, "yes, he is right. She gives out the sign...."

You were awoken by some soldiers, carrying you out of the city ruins.
"Ahh, hey. Good morning sunshine." One of them said smiling at you.

"My head, what happened?" You were a terrible lier, but you always managed it somehow.

"Well..." he paused for few seconds,"A terrorist attack happened, you and many more was caught in the bombing. You were lucky you manage it without and injuries without a hit to the head."

He changed to hold you in a bridal style, making your face hot.
"Are you feeling sick?" He stopped.

"'s me like are...." you buried your face in his chest. "You are hot."

He began laughing and resumed the walking.

"You are cute to, but I am married to the most wonderful woman and we got a child."

"Hope she is as wonderful as you" you laugh together, before he set you slowly down.

"Keep your self out of danger" was his last words before disappearing into the ruins looking for more survivers.

Looking around, so many people were hurt. The ambulance could only take the most critical, the rest had to wait. You had been lucky, maybe too lucky. People were shaking or crying, you were only one clam in it all. It was as sitting in a bee swarm, all around people buzzing around and no body noticing you.

Then a terrifying feeling, the sound of one of the robot. You felt so afraid, your hole body working so slowly. Slowly stood up, going in a smaller ally. At least then 'they' weren't going to hurt those other people.

They are good, a voice in your head

"Who are you?" What now, are you going insane.

I am your...... helping hand

Femme SparkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora