"There's a super saiyan three?!" Caulifla said in amazement.

"Mae! Hurry up and knock that girl off?! Why are you teaching her?!" Beerus shouted from the stands.

"I guess I'm just like my dad." Mae chuckled. "Alright Caulifla, let's see what you got!"

The two saiyans lunged forward and Kale watched as they fought. Their golden lights clashed as they sent a flurry of punches and kicks. In this form they were about even in power. "I'll try and transform!" Kale said as she tried to power up again.

"Wow super saiyan two is amazing!" Caulifla cheered. She sent an energy blast at Mae who sent her own. They clashed and in the smoke Mae rushed Caulifla.

"Heh not bad." Mae said she was actually enjoying this fight.

"Big sis, what can I do to help?" Kale asked but Caulfila turned back to face Mae.

"Let's go again." Caulifla said lurching forward. She brought her leg up and Mae blocked her with her forearm and again they were back at each other.

"I'll help." Kale said as she sent an energy blast at Mae.

Mae smacked the energy away. "Stay out of this!" She growled at the saiyan.

"I-I'm so useless." Kale dropped to her knees tears spilling from her eyes. "I won't forgive you, Mae. You took my big sis!" She yelled as she powered up to super saiyan. Her power was overwhelming and Caulifla and Mae stopped mid fight. The power surging from Kale sent them both flying backwards and Hit saved Caulifla from going over the edge.

"Kale you did it!" Caulfila said proudly.

"Woah her power is intense." Mae said as she walked over to Kale.

"Mae!" Vegeta called he had been fighting with Cabba. "Be careful I think that's the saiyan's true power."

"I am being careful, Vegeta." Mae called back to him.

"This could be bad for her." Vegeta sad to Cabba.

"Mae!" Kale yelled as she punched her sending her flying through rubble. "Kill. Mae. Kill. Mae!" She said as she went for Mae again sending an energy blast right at her.

"Shit!" Mae swore as she brought her hands up. The force of the attack sent Mae back into a pile of debris. "That's it!" She shouted going super saiyan blue.

"Super saiyan blue!" Caulifla said eagerly.

"Ka-me-ha-me-ha!" Mae shouted sending her attack at Kale who kept coming at her.

"Kill. Mae!" Kale said walking straight through her attack. She reached out and grabbed Mae's face and again sent her flying.

"Ah!" Mae cried out as she smashed right into Goku.

"Mae what did you do?!" Goku asked her as the saiyan came charging at her.

"I didn't do anything!" Mae said as she got up.

Kale suddenly stopped, steam was coming off her body. "This isn't good." Vegeta said. "She can't control her power."

"Rah!" Kale yelled as she send green energy blasts in every direction. Mae and Goku jumped away trying to avoid the attack.

"I've got to get away from her." Mae said as she ran back to where Caulifla was. As she ran past she saw one of the fighters trying to stop Kale. He wasn't enough for her and she knocked him off the edge.

"I'll stop her." Jiren jumped down from the ledge he was on.

Kale yelled out in rage when she couldn't find Mae. "Even her voice is this strong." Mae said as the ground shook beneath them.

"Kale is so amazing!" Caulifla said admiring her protégé.

"She going berserk!" Mae snapped at her. "She could end up taking you out as well!"

"Mae is right." Hit said. "If she kills someone she could be disqualified."

"Damn you are right." Caulifla said. "Kale calm down!" She called to her.

"Mae!" Kale said suddenly coming crashing through a pile of rubble. She reached out to grab Mae.

Mae held her breath, suddenly Jiren was in front of her and grabbed Kale. "It ends now." He sent her flying with an energy blast.
Mae collapsed on the ground as Jiren turned around and crossed his arms. "It's over." The energy blast exploded and Kale came falling to the ground.

"Kale!" Caulifla shouted as she grabbed the girl.

"Let's retreat." Hit said. He and the two saiyans jumped back into the smoke.

"Thanks for the save." Mae said dusting herself off dropping to her base form.

"I didn't do it for you." Jiren said.

"Still worked out in my favor." Mae grinned at him.

"Mae!" Goku came running up. He stopped when he saw Jiren. "Jiren, fight with us!"
Jiren looked at the saiyans not saying anything as they both stepped into their fighting positions.

Suddenly Toppo came flying out of the smoke "Justice Flash!" The attack sent both Goku and Mae flying back as they tried to block it. "Jiren, let's have the others take care of them. We will retreat and save our stamina." Jiren nodded before taking another look at the saiyans who were now on the ground. He and Toppo disappeared from the area.

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