Chapter two

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"I'm min yoongi, don't fuck with me and i won't fuck with you"
he said as he glanced at me then at the seat beside me. "Ah well.. that was.. ahem please take a seat yoongi" jin says while putting the finished homework in the homework box. I hear yoongi slam his book bag down and I turn my head toward him to find him starring at me. I feel my face heat up and I try to look away from him as fast as I possibly can. I hear him scoff and remember the book mark. I pull my book out and take the book mark out then slide it onto his desk.

"Did you drop this yesterday?" i mouth and he nods and grabs it quickly. I smile and look up at the board to take notes.


When class ended I went up to the teacher to ask a few questions about the homework assignment. As always I asked if there were any thing I could do for extra credit considering I had finished all of this week's homework and I needed something to do to take my mind off the things that were happening at home.

She nodded and slightly pointed at min yoongi. "Help show him around? you both could use some friends" she smiled and I headed out the class and into my second period class.

There he was again sitting alone with his head down. I walked over to him and tapped his shoulder. "Sorry to bother you but our home room teacher wants me to show you around and introduce you to some people" he looks up at me and he's clearly annoyed then I see him roll his eyes at me. "Yeah, whatever can you leave me alone im trying to sleep" he puts his head back down and I take my seat in the front again. He doesn't seem to want to be bothered at the moment and I completely understand. If someone kept bothering me id be annoyed too.


During lunch I just stayed in our classroom. I didn't really feel like eating so I read quietly when I heard someone enter the room. I look over and see no one other than tae hyung. He sits beside me and stares at me intensively. I avoid eye contact and that's when I notice another's presence in the room. I look over at the door to see a extremely sleepy and annoyed yoongi.

Tae looks over at him also and smiles goofily. "I think he likes you, y/n" I look at tae then at yoongi again. "Why are you talking to me?" I say looking at tae again. He looks so lost for words and just as he gets up I get back to reading my book.

I see no reason to acknowledge yoongi's presence. Its best to leave an annoyed person be. I hear shuffling and stomping but besides that he doesn't say a word.


While I'm on the bus to the library I think over the days events. I've been having this strange feeling ever since I met yoongi that day at the library. My heart throbs and I can't help but stare at him. I mentally face palm and snap out of it. 'Maybe I've been reading too many romance novels, maybe its time to switch over into something a little more horrific.

As soon as I get to the library i go over into the romance section to return the book. When I make it there I see someone sitting on the ground reading the book I intended to check out next. "Do you plan on checking that out? if not I would like it when you're done with it. If you don't mind" I squat down to eye level to find an annoyed yoongi starring back at me. I quickly get up and walk away at a rapid speed. My heart feels like it could burst any moment and I sink down in my seat. 'I'll just have to deal with this for a bit I suppose.'

I reopen my book and continue to read it. after reading for quite a bit I feel a poke and then a book is slammed down onto the table. "Here" he says then turning around to walk away but I gently grab his shirt sleeve and he stops.

~yoongi's pov~

I felt a gentle hand touch my sleeve and I halt. I turn around to see a concerned girl. I didn't even know her name yet I had been so rude to her. She looks so much like someone I used to know and it pissed me off but when I seen how worried she became I felt my anger slowly dissipate. I reached my hand out and slowly caressed her cheek I could see her getting nervous and embarrassed by my sudden touch so I retract my hand quickly.

"I'm sorry if I've been rude to you, you just reminded me of someone I used to know" I say while smiling softly at her. Her face softens and she lets go of my sleeve. "Do you read a lot?" she asks and I nod. "Books have a very significant meaning to me" I say while slowly taking a seat across from the one she was sitting in.

We spent quite a long time talking about different types of books and what were our favorites in each category. Pretty soon I see her check her phone and then sudden shoot up from her seat, she started packing things into her bag. "I'm so sorry but I have to go if I stay any longer my dad will kill me" she bows and heads for the door. I rush after her "wait, would you like a ride home?" she looks at her phone then hesitated to say yes.

I see her hurry out the door and I follow behind and we speed walk to my car. she looks antsy, like she's seriously afraid. she puts her seat belt on and I ask her to put her houses location on my gps. she nods and does as I ask.


when we pull up to her place she rushes out the car but before she can run in I give her my number on a tiny piece of paper. "thank you for the ride ill see you at school tomorrow" I smile at her and nod as i watch her go inside.

~your pov~

As soon as I get into the door I get slapped across the face and dragged by my hair into the bathroom. I don't have the chance to take in what's going on before my head in dunked into a bathtub full of cold water. I choke and struggle as I feel water start to fill my lungs then suddenly I'm released when my mom hits my father upside the head with a frying pan. I cant hold it in anymore and I curl up and cry my eyes out. my mom calls the cops and when she gets done she wraps me in a warm fluffy towel and embraces me tightly. we stay like this for a while. I cry my eyes out until we hear the police knock on the door.

my mother kisses my head and walks me to the stairs. "go on up ill be up soon ok?" I nod and go to sit in her room to silently wait for her. I hear shuffling coming from down the stairs when suddenly my mom peeks her head in and asks me to come give the police a statement. I nod and do as I'm asked. as soon as I finished I hear my dad banging on the glass of the police car.

I ignore him coldly and run back into the house. I open my phone and text the number yoongi gave me.

Unknown number

Do you think i can call you for a bit i don't have anyone else to talk to about this..


I'm so sorry for not updating this sooner I wasn't starting to like it then I got writers block and then theres the holidays but i will TRY to do better I promise <3<3 -the author

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