~Extra 3~

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Things were quiet since you got back. Jushiro fixed a bath guiding you into his room. He held a stack of towels and clothing for you to change into when you finished.

"I'll be outside when you're done." he informed closing the door leaving you to your own thoughts. You frowned stripping out of your black robes. "He's definitely mad at me.." Stepping into the tub you let out a sigh as the warm water touched you skin. You sank lower with your nose just above the water, blowing bubbles aimlessly. You rolled your shoulders a little.

"Hmm, my body...doesn't really ache anymore.."

Your eyes looked down at the scratch on your cheek that was sizzling. You watched in awe as the wound closed itself.

"W-WHAT THE HECK!!" you sprinted out the tub sliding open the door. "J-Jushiro the water had some kind of freaking healing component!!" Jushiro turned at your startled scream. His eyes grew wide at your wet naked form standing before him. "(Y-Y/N)-san y-you're..." his entire face turned bright red as you just stood there staring in confusion.

"What's with your.." your eyes trailed down. Immediately your face flamed up. "W-WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT TURN AWAY YOU PERVERT!!" you threw a cup from nearby right at his face, knocking him down as you sprinted back into the bathroom diving into the tub embarrassed.

"Y-You're becoming a bit dangerous for my health (Y/N).." Jushiro thought laying flat on the ground.

~Time skip :3 ~

Neither of you could make eye contact after what took place. You had changed into a small kimono with your legs tucked under you. Jushiro sat opposite you with the same flushed expression.

"I-I'm sorry.." you mumbled lowering your head. Jushiro shook his head, waving his hand off. "N-No it was my fault. I should have warned you about the bath, it was a little trick Kisuke taught me." You stared at him. "I thought it would help ease your pain, it seems it worked, you look healed up." You nodded. "Yes, thank you." Jushiro smiled. "I'm glad."

His smile made you feel even more angry with yourself. "I-I didn't mean to get so out of control, back at the captains meeting. I-I always act impulsively. I never think about the consequences." I-It must be a pain...being with me.." you conveyed sorrowfully. Jushiro shuffled closer, sitting in front of you now. He took your hands into his. "I don't see you as a pain (Y/N). I should also apologize. I never took into account just how painful hearing their comments must have been for you. I've always seen you so confident and strong willed but at heart, you are just as vulnerable to others words like everyone else."

You shook your head with tear filled eyes. "You don't have to say sorry Jushiro, you didn't do anything wrong. " His fingers swiped across yours cheeks wiping your tears clean.

"I won't let what people say affect me anymore, I promise." Jushiro just smiled. "Don't force yourself, just whenever you need to let out your frustrations, come to me." he coaxed.

"B-But I don't want to fight with you Jushiro." He smirked, hand moving to your thigh.

"There are other ways to release you anxieties (Y/N)." you blushed as he leaned forward hand trailing higher up the bottom of your kimono. You bit your lip leaning your head on his shoulder at the feel of his cool fingers on your skin.

"J-Jushiro..." you breathed out. His lips moved to your ear nibbling on it lightly. Your hands reached up gripping his captain's cloak. "It's my duty as your lover to take care of all your needs (Y/N).." you shivered at his sultry tone. His hand parted you robe as he pushed you unto you back. "H-Hey w-we shouldn't be doing this out in the open, s-someone might walk in!" you babbled.

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