What are you doing??

Start from the beginning

Y/N: how about we're all Namjoon's and Jin's babies

Jungkook: what is this conversation

Y/N: don't ask questions, baby

Jimin: Jungkook probably fell into his clothes at that

Y/N: my power is unstoppable

Y/N: i can literally call one of you my baby and you're begging at my feet

Y/N: that

Y/N: is quite amusing

Yoongi: as if we'd ever beg at your feet

Y/N: i take personal offence at that statement

Y/N: let me test something

Y/N: yoongi baby, I love you so much

Yoongi has left the chatroom...


Y/N: ok tHEN

Jin: someone add him back!!

Jimin has added Yoongi to the chat....

Jin: thank you

Y/N: explain yourself Yoongi

Yoongi: no

J-Hope: heheheh I have a plan

Hoseok proceeds to put down his phone, before running to the living room. He seems Yoongi there, a small blush on his face, staring intently at his mobile, the ever so famous gummy smile on his face. ''Ha! I knew you were flustered!'' J-Hope shouts, making the older male jump in surprise. ''Yah! What are you doing?'' Yoongi talks back, quickly putting his mobile into his pocket. ''Y/N made you flustered! She was right!'' Hoseok sing-songed, twirling around, readying to text the others. 




Y/N: you guys really need to get out more if one girl calling you their baby makes you flustered

Yoongi:....shut up

Y/N: hdhdshsdhdsha

Jungkook: if yoongi-hyung is blushing...

Jungkook: I need to see that

Jimin: me too

Jin: me three

Yoongi: guys no

Y/N: guys yes

Y/N: lemme guess you all went to tease Yoongi

Y/N: guys?

Y/N: guys???

Y/N: ok yeah they left their phones

Y/N: dammit

Y/N: could have asked one of them to take a photo

Y/N: i'm officially talking to myself

Y/N: i've gone mad haha

Y/N: ok Y/N it's time to stop

Y/N: what is happening

Y/N: ok they left me

Y/N: is this what betrayal feels like

Y/N: probably

Heyo! I think I'm gonna start writing some irl things in between the messages so you guys actually know what is happening,,,,is that okay? I did that the first time here and I think it works quite well, so we'll see what happnes in the future chapters, for now, byebye!

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