29 1 1

Tat. Tat. Tat.

"Liz?" Ivae's voice came through after hearing no response. Perhaps he didn't knock loud enough? It was one of his habit's to move quietly since he was a beast hunter, but it had never been such a problem that others couldn't hear.

Gently he pushed the door and stepped in former room turned pig sty. Now this was odd. Liz was not necessarily a tidy person, but this level of mess was ridiculous even for her. Empty ink pots where simply thrown to the ground nowhere near to the bin. Sketch pads hung from the chair and dresser, fanned out of various pages. Ink pens were left capless and dumped in a messy pile on the bed side desk, next to which lay the lumped up artist hidden below her quilt.

"Liz, the sun is already up" he cleared the floor of strewn supplies as he walked.  A little groan was given in response causing the male to sigh "Liz Sablin Owabe, you need to get up for your exhibition today"

"It'll be a mess even if I don't go...." She slowly pushed her head from beneath the sheets as she felt her brother take a seat on the bed. She fumbled around on the bed side desk in search of the glasses she had thrown down the previous night. The struggle for the spectacles caused Ivae's mechanical pencil pyramid to topple, much to his disdain.

"That is far from the truth and you know it" he began, handing her the glasses she sought after "you've been working on that collage for months now, will you give up just because they can't get you the correct size lint?"

"Plinth." Liz corrected him, sitting up after a long, deep sigh and pulling off her bonnet. "And that's not the only reason"

To be honest it wasn't even the mess at the exhibition hall that made her not want to get up,  it was more so her experience with the red haired weird guy the previous night. She couldn't shake the feeling that he had done something to her phone and followed her to return it. Someone who went to such extremes as that certainly wouldn't just stop if she asked. In fact, she had tried to distract herself from the strange feeling she felt since the previous night. The way the fine hairs on her arms stood on edge whenever she passed by a window of turned on the lights in another room. The state of her room was the aftermath of her attempted distraction.

The elder gave her room to elaborate, widening his eyes as a hint to do so, but she did not. "Sister, listen to me" his eyes slid closed as they often did when he spoke extensively "there are things we cannot control in this world, they are left in the hands of fate. But that does not mean we cannot take ahold of our own destinies." His head tilted up towards the ceiling "the birth of the managers child whilst inconvenient, is a beautiful thing. And the issue with the walls means those workers will have a little more money to pay their rent this month."

"That's all fine and dandy, but in case you haven't noticed, I'm neither of them." Liz have another sigh, significantly lighter than the first

"You're right. But I believe this experience is also for the better of you as well" a light smile crept onto his face as he turned to look at her "I believe that this experience is one for your growth and development. For one, whilst searching for your.....plinth?" He paused and checked her facial expression for any signs that he may have used the wrong word again, continuing when he knew there was none. "You managed to find as multitude of calligraphy brushes that you had misplaced and even a box of washi tape that you thought you had thrown out"

"Yeah that's true" Liz nodded after considering what he had said

"Not to mention you actually found two potential plinths instead of one. Not to mention, when you go back in to set up, there will be more for you to say in your speech about the piece that you were so caught up about"

"I... Didn't think of it that way"

Ivae nodded and meet her eye. "Im sure there's much more that you could gather from this whole predicament. There's a blessing in the storm my sister" he rested a hand on her shoulder, earning a warm smile in return "but first before that Lily has been cooking your favourite. I'm pretty sure it's almost done, so bathe quickly and come" he stood and made his way to the door "if you ask nicely, Yuji and I may help you transport your equipment"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2018 ⏰

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