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A fic for my shenpei. Feel free to change the character name (Liz) to you.

"That's nothing, I literally discovered I giant turkey hybrid in an island off the east coast" A tall toned man with with side shaven, dreadlocked hair spoke us after taking a sip of his wine. This man was Ivae, the oldest of the four 'siblings' who had gathered for the first time in a few years.

Yuji, the second to youngest of the group gave a light scoff "sounds to me like you're making that up." She raised an eyebrow and pointed the steak on the end of her fork accusingly.

"It doesn't seem that odd to me" Lily, the eldest but shortest female added as she neatly set down her cutlery with her petite, chubby hands "I mean, while I was doing a botany project over there, there were some very odd footprints on the beach"

"Now that hardly seems right"

The three of them continued to deliberate between them as Liz, the only non-hunter on the table listened in to their talks. Or rather, debates.

The others were all adopted into her family from a young age and got along like a house on fire, despite that odd arguments and short fights like the one currently going on still broke out. It usually began with the stoic Ivae talking about about some seemingly unfathomable beast he had encountered on his travels, and Yuji, being the more practical of the two hunters, not believing him. Lily would chime in with a pacifistic comment every so often in hopes of calming the battle, and occasionally it would work, but more often than not would result in giving one of the two warriors more fuel for their defensive fire.

"C'mon guys, I'm not trying to have the whole restaurant watching while you guys re-enact scenes from Street Fighter" A chuckle came from the non-hunter as she signaled the waiter to bring the bill over. The comment caused the crew to settle down a little. "I don't know about how real it is but your magic turkey does sound like it could be a good subject"

Ivae's eyes lit up but his face remained stoic as ever "Actually, if I give you a description could you sketch it for me? I'm going to need it for my report"

A gentle silence filled the air.

"I mean... are you gonna pay me or....?"

The male did not reply.

"I'm kidding I'm kidding! Of course I will, but I have a bunch of projects to get through before that"

Now Liz, as mentioned, wasn't a hunter. Of course, she was asked to go with her siblings when they went to undergo the test, but she declined. Sparring really wasn't that interesting to her and to be fair there were plenty of Hunters out there already so she really saw no point. Instead she decided to pursue her artist dreams. She started off as a panelist for comics and gradually started getting her name known. Now she was able to work freelance and have people, mainly hunters, hire her to draw for their reports and encyclopedias along side her own personal story book project.

Despite knowing this, her siblings felt the need for her to learn nen, although none of them would actually teach her. No, instead they suggested she should learn and left her to fumble around for a suitable teacher. Through none stop research she was able to find a tutor of sorts, but promptly quit after around a week. The tutors lack of self maintenance and constantly loose shirt were far too much for her to deal with. Yuji would tease her for this regularly, claiming she would someday find herself in a more than sticky situation.

"Okay 1. That sounds weird, 2. How many years have I been living in my own? Literally nothing has happened" she reassured them whilst paying her section of the bill and checking her watch. It was nearing her scheduled meeting time.

Always Watching~ [Hisoka x OC]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt