I froze exactly like when Taylor hit me for the first time, shock washed over me leaving not even a person left behind but a blank expressionless ghost. The paper was had 'Wanted' printed across the top, it was some Police order and 'ran away from his home June 17th' and on it was a big picture of Ashton's smiling face.

"This isn't what you think it is" I pleaded but Luke just shook his head and laughed "its a Wanted sign Aniston, Ashton's wanted by the police I think thats pretty straight forward" "how did you find this and why did you come to me?" I raised my voice slightly and I felt like I didn't even recognize Luke its like he was some total random stranger who barged into my living room.

"I went into my study and saw this sheet of paper lying next to my dads computer which was playing a very odd video of Ashton in a hood on the side of the road getting taken into your car, what is all of this about Aniston? Why have you treated him so nicely? He's wanted by the police thats not something you can just lie about and say 'this is Ashton from California" the last part he did in a disgusted mocking tone.

"He's a really nice guy, he ran away from his home because people were abusing him its not like he committed a murder" "you don't get the point Ani. If its not that big of a deal then why didn't you tell everyone the truth in the first place?!" We were both full on yelling at each other now, the air was getting so thick it was almost suffocating "I can't exactly march right up and say 'hey nice to meet you i'm Ani and this is my friend who ran away from his house Ashton" "but you could've at least said from around here not from California of all places, what made you think that was a good idea, that was so stupid to do Ani" "I was trying to do what was best for everyone Luke, admit it you would've been super judgemental if I didn't lie about who he was" "but why keep it up for this long? Ya I get at first at that one party put to keep it going for weeks I just can't believe you'd play games with all of us like that!" "I'm sorry okay" I said starting to feel the tears come out when Calum busted in through the door and silence filled the room as Luke and I both breathed quickly and heavily "whats going on in here I can hear you two from down the hall" Luke just shot him a glare and wiped his eyes quickly before shoving past Calum and out the door with a loud slam.

I plopped down on the couch and buried my head in my hands letting all the tears come, Calum knew about Taylor and was my friend freshman year in high school through now so he knew how to read me pretty well "what happened?" He asked softly sitting down next to me rubbing my back in small circles.

"I did something bad Cal I mistreated everyone, I created a huge lie thats really hard to fix with just an i'm sorry or quick hug" "what happened Ani, what did you do?" He asked with a slight hint of curiosity in his voice as I looked up to take a quick glance into his big warm brown eyes " I lied about who Ashton was, he actually ran away from his house and I found him on the side of the street and took him in. I didn't feel like introducing his as a random kid I found who ran away from his abusive step parents so I just told everyone he was from California and someone must've called in because now Ashton's face is plastered on a paper in the police station" I expected for Calum to jump up and get angry like Luke but he was just silent for a few minutes and then said quietly "I understand" just those two words made me so happy to have someone like him with me at times like these.

"Y-you do? Why aren't you mad?" "I am, what you did was pretty stupid Ans but you did it to protect everyone and I get it from Ashton's position that he wouldn't want everyone knowing where he came from, I know that feeling of wanting to start over. Are you an idiot? Yes, but i've known that for a while know" for the first time tonight I smiled and laughed a little.

"Thanks for always being there Cal, it means a lot to always have someone like you with me" "anytime, i'd do anything for you Aniston. Now why don't I go make some popcorn and we can get some blankets and watch a movie until we fall asleep?" I didn't even have to answer for him to know that I was gonna say yes.

After Calum had made a huge bowl of popcorn and brought over a giant pile of fluffy blankets we both snuggled up to watch National Treasure and ended up falling asleep on the couch.


July 4th, 2014. The day that held so much excitement but I was so oblivious of what was to come. Vender's wheeled out their little carts and carnival rides to different areas of the main street as I walked past, I told Ashton I would meet him at Lazy today. The air was still and the only sound was the soft chattering of workers and clanking of carts. Those colorful carts and happy smiles hid the dark secrets of what was to happen. Hatred, evil and darkness would consume these streets and come straight for us. This would be a day that I would remember in terror for the rest of my life.


OoooooHHHH yup the 4th of July party will be next update it's getting close walskxhkaiasj!!

In a situation like this would you be more on Calum's side or Luke's side?

See you next update! Have a great day :--)

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