Guiding light

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There was no stimuli around. Not a single breeze caressed your skin. Not a single light to illuminate the path. The silence was so dense you could hear your own heart beat. You had to press Sinbad's hand to make sure you weren't alone. Suddenly, a small light appeared far in the darkness.

"(Y/n), Sinbad, over there!"

The Magi's voice sounded close by but you could not see him. There was no way to see any obstacle between you and the light, so you walked with caution, Sinbad next to you. The closer you get, the brighter the light became. You squinted and noticed that it came from a sort of hole in the ground. You freed your hand and accelerated your pace to kneel before the hole. Beneath, there was a field of red poppies. The flowers formed a wide circle. At the exact center, a little girl in a white dress were crying. You didn't wait for Sinbad and jumped. You knew this girl, for longer than anyone else and seeing her cry made your heart ache more than you could bear.

"Yura..." you whispered once you were closed enough for her to hear.

She lifted her head up and looked at you with wet eyes.

"I'll never fit here, right?" Her little voice broke your heart. "I'll always be a shadow. Always be behind someone else."

You wish you could just open your arms and embrace her. Instead you smiled a little. "Of course you're not just a shadow. You're Yura, you're the closest friend I have."

"And that's all I will ever be. The friend of the Holy Maiden. See, even when I trained this hard, all they could see was you."

She pointed to mannequins dispersed all around you. Every single one of them was pieced with small throwing knives or slashed into pieces. You remembered she always was the best at everything, so you never suspected she felt this way. To be honest, you had envied her more than you cared to remember. She always seemed to be so empowered and independent. And you always envied her ability to touch others. When her mother took her in her arms, when she blushed at a boy's tender words, when she held the hand of the said boy.

"There is so much things you can do that I can't... And not only these Holy Maiden things. You are braver than I could ever be. Stronger and smarter."

"Says the one who have two Djinns."

"I never thought of Djinns as token of capabilities. I just needed them to fight."

"Even when you're praised, you act humble. Do you really have to be this perfect?"

You sat on the ground. Behind you, Sinbad and Aladdin were quietly listening.

"This is not about me. The world is not a stage for one person only. There is enough place in the sun for the both of us. For more than the both of us."

The young Yura slowly turned into the woman you knew, aging with each second passing . "How can you be so sure?"

"I know your worth. Mephelios, Helga, Talven and everybody else too. You're the only one who's blind."

"I... can be enough?"

You smiled gently. "You already are more than enough."

Sinbad had walk to you and placed a hamd on your shoulder. You opened your arms and she jumped right into them. You couldn't care if your pendant turned black. You had your friend in your arms and it was the only thing that mattered.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2018 ⏰

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