As a friend

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Sinbad's bare chest shielded your view but you still could hear the tumults of the fight. You tried to move away from him, but all strength had left you when you believed you time had come.

"Mephelios..." you managed to mutter.

"He's okay, Spartos is with him," he replied with a caress on the top of your head.

"I still have to stop Yura. I have to know what happened to her."

You pushed him back with slight regret and rose. You took a glimpse at him and noticed he had Djinn Equipped. A red fabric was tied around his hips and his now feathered hair was longer. The only jewel he wore was a golden collar. The sight of it reminded you of your own necklace and you quickly check to see if its color had changed. Luckily it showed the same pure white as before. You didn't took time to wonder why and ran to take Asmodai's Metal Vessel, turned back into an earing.

Yura was a skilled fighter. When you shared the same side of a battlefield, she could take a dozen of Kou's soldiers by herself. Mephelios was a Fanalis and by nature stronger and faster than her but she compensated by tricks and agility. You watched them spare a hundred times and none of them could have the upperhand. Today, you feared that rage could drive one of them to injure the other. With fear tightening your heart, you tried to find the right words to stop both of them.

"Djinn of Equality and Swiftness, dwell in my body and bestow thy judgement on this world through me. Come forth, Asmodai!"

The world grew higher as you shrinked to the size of a toddler. Small balls of fires circled above your head, like an halo of flames. Your armor disappeared, replaced by an incandescent dress with a long veil attached to the shoulders and falling in waterfalls at your feet. You jumped between your two Household members, closing the distance in less than a blink. Both stopped, surprised by your sudden appearance.

"Stop at once, both of you," you ordered in a slightly more acute voice.

The Fanalis quitted his fighting stance at once, but Yura turned her sword to you.

"You're not my chief anymore. Do not expect obedience from me."

She wasn't as impulsive as Mephelios and quickly understood your side had the upperhand. From a pocket of her attire, she took a small gun and shot at the ceiling, blasting a hole sufficient enough to let her flee. She jumped through it and disappeared from your view.

"What, by Elepheltes, was that?" you asked more to yourself than to anyone.

"A magic tool," replied Spartos.

Your heart tightened in fear. You had never saw such an impressive weapon. Would Yura used it against people and tons of innocents would die.

Coughs made you turned your head to the council's table. The Elders were regaining their spirits and you rushed to Oscar's side. You disequipped your Djinn while walking, regaining your original height and clothes. Passing by, you saw that the other masked magician turned into another wooden doll, crushed by a part of the wall. You quickly thanked Talven with a nod. Before you could reach the Elder, Sinbad grabbed your arm and led you outside the room.

"What are you doing?" you asked, shaking off his hand.

"I don't know what is going on here, but I have a feeling there is more waiting for us. Does Yura know how to use magic?"

"I just saw her use light one from her Household Vessel."

"I'm pretty sure that was life magic which put the Council in stasis."

"So there is another enemy. The only types they used was fire and force."

You tried to get inside but Sinbad stopped you.

Magi Fanfic: Fallen Destinies [Sinbad X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now