Nah. I finally got back after you shut me up like a few weeks ago so I'm gonna make up for lost time.

You scream internally.

"Not so fast, I didn't say go yet."

I'd let him tease me in bed anytime~

You ignore the voice in your head and inhale and exhale.

"But you did come at me with the intent to kill, i think I'm starting to like you guys."

Oh, I bet your gonna like me even more!!

"Ready.. set.. go!"

You jump and hid in one of the trees and use one of your camouflage techniques.

Ninja style: forest disguise!

You let your Kagune out and make it look like a tree vine on the tree while the rest of you looks like a part of the tree.


"The most basic of the Shinobi arts is to become invisible...eradicate yourself."

You close your mouth and breath in your nose silently. So silent anybody would think you weren't breathing at all. And with your jutsu anybody would think you weren't there at all and you hid somewhere else. The good part of being a ghoul is that your chakra control is more advanced than a normal human being so plus points!

You hid in a tree a bit close to the battlefield but not too close just close enough to take your new Sensei by surprise and hopefully get to have a bite of- bELL TO GET A BELL!!!

You snap out of your internal crisis when Naruto screams and thank god you weren't too near.

Naruto challenges Kakashi and they get into a fight.
You pay close attention to Kakashi so you could learn how he fights and hopefully learn his weakness or find an opening to ambush him.

"..the only wrong thing here is your hairstyle!!"

Pfft, was Naruto always this sassy or did he get it from me?

Kakashi puts his hand in his pouch and starts digging for something... a weapon? Or is he doing some hand signs? I have a humans that can.

You look intently at Kakashi's every move analysing his every move so you could hopefully see a bit more action than earlier.

And he takes out....

A book.

What, is he gonna use that as a weapon against Naruto? Pshh.


I could actually see that happening.

They exchange a few words and Kakashi said something that provoke Naruto that I heard that was along the lines of reading a book and don't care.
Hmm, he must either be arrogant or actually quite formidable.
But then anybody could beat up Naruto while reading a book I guess.

"I'm gonna pound you!!"


What the fuc- I thought you were gone??

A ghoul in Naruto!!Where stories live. Discover now