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A ghoul. A beast that looks like a beautiful human but has predatory instinct and predatory organs. It eats humans and only humans. They say they don't have feelings and all they do is eat. A beast worthy of fear. But are they really what they say they are?

You sigh as you look at the window your cheeks resting against your palm.
"Ugh, it's that prick again." You growl filled with annoyance.
All the students that heard you flinch at your growl. Your growl stopping them from what they were doing.
You snicker at their behaviour and grin smugly knowing how effective you are against all of them. With just a flicker of your wrist could silence the lot of them.

You continue staring outside at the Hokage faces ignoring all their whispers. If you were stuck up you would be enraged with what that Uzumaki brat did but thankfully you aren't.
Honestly it was kind of funny. The doodles I mean.

You hear Iruka-sensei's scream no thanks to your sensitive AF ears.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU IDIOT! GET DOWN FROM THERE AND GET BACK TO CLASS!!" Iruka-sensei screams. Now if your ears weren't that superior than all these puny humans then it would have been no problem and you would have to only bear with all their poor excuse of a whisper and have only one problem to deal with.

You sigh in annoyance that would have been like, the sixth time in this period.
Geez, this humans would be the death of me someday. (No pun intended)

You hear angry pitter-patters outside the hallway.
Ah, Iruka-sensei's finally hear i see.
Iruka-Sensei slams the door open with the Uzumaki brat on his shoulder.
Urk, did he really have to slam the door open?! My eardrums!! I shouldn't have tried to tune out the whispers by straining my ears to hear what was outside dangitt!!
You hold your ears and bury your face to the table in front of you in pain.

Iruka-Sensei looks at you in a flicker of concern before dropping the brat in a loud THUD
The tied up Uzumaki lands on his butt and hisses in pain.
Ha! Serves him right.

Iruka-sensei points at him and scolds him loudly but kind of a loud but held back voice?
Maybe he's trying to take account of my sensitive ears. Daaw, thanks Iruka-sensei!
To which Naruto replies with just a weak sir, yes sir... as if mocking him.
Iruka-sensei pretty much just snapped and screamed at him,
Urk! My poor eardrums... you know what? I fucking hate you Iruka-Sensei!!!

We all line up complaining about the Uzumaki brat. Ugh, and if it wasn't an already bad day he just had to make it worse! Oh wait, every days a bad day! Scratch that, I mean bad life.
I didn't pay attention to every annoying thing and just spaced out until it was my turn.
I guess I kind of have an immunity to bullshit now since ive been in the academy for like almost half my life.

"Next! (L/n)!" I do the hand signs absent mindedly and transform into Iruka-sensei.
I've done this so many times i could do this in my sleep!
"Right, well done. Next! Uzumaki!"
I walk to my seat lazily and for a moment while my eyes were just moving everywhere in my surroundings, my attention was given to the sleeping pineapple before my eyes landed on the seat I was walking to.
That guy thinks the same way I do. Nice.

Once I was in my seat,
I look to the front and see....
"Pfft! *cough* *cough*" I choke on my own spit and start hitting my chest.
The rest were just blurry stuff since you know it's me and my attention span is like a banana's life span. Ok maybe worse than that.

I smell iron and whip my head to where that smell came from to see Iruka-sensei scolding Naruto about wasted potential and stuff. But that's not where my attention was solely focused on since that's practically everyday but no, it was on the blood dripping on Iruka-sensei's chin. I'm guessing a nosebleed huh.
Good for him I just ate like three days ago or I would have jumped on him by now.

A ghoul in Naruto!!Where stories live. Discover now