Chapter two

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The only things in the room that Everly was held in was a bed, some of her clothes, a radio, and a desk with an unused notebook and pencils on it. Jeremiah knew how much
Everly liked to write and he thought it
was something to keep her occupied
while locked up.

In the meantime he was out to god knows where, doing something, something that
may be terrifying at that.

Everly turned on the radio, listening closely
to whoever spoke keeping those remaining
in Gotham somewhat updated.

"Day 9 of no man's land, still no sign of the infamous Jeremiah Valeska that created
this whole mess, where can he be? It's creepy to think, he might be lurking in the shadows
as I speak, Somewhere ready to make
his move..."  The male voice spoke.

If only he had known.

Not wanting to hear more, she turned
the radio, walking over to the desk as she
took up the notebook and pencil and started
to write. She wrote down her symptoms,
perhaps she could find out what was wrong with her. Why her voices were coming back
and how to stop it before it was too late.

     -Voices in my head telling
     me to harm others, even kill.
            -shift in personality
     -incapable of good judgment
          -insanity gas returning?

She started to think of a diagnosis but
there were none, and if there were any who looked alike it only had one or two of the symptoms listed.

Realize it, Everly, you're lost, let me in,
let me take over or would you rather
be a pathetic little bitch?"

"Get out of my head!" She said hitting
herself in the head in frustration and misery.

How long do you think it will take?
Getting rid of the gas, finding a cure?
Realize it, it's impossible, and if you do,
it will take years on years and you won't
even manage it before the gas consumes you.

"I won't give up searching there has
to be something out there, something
that can help me"

You have nothing to be afraid of, the city
has turned into what you can basically call
a zoo running wild. Bad people everywhere, you'll blend in just fine, where you belong.

I'm n-not a bad person" She cried,
warm tears running down her cheeks.

Sure about that now? You let it all consume you ones, who's to say it won't happen
again? Understand that without the
insanity you're just weak.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Everly screamed out into complete nothingness as she threw the desk aggressively onto the floor before she hit the wall harshly making her fist begin to bleed.

She sat down onto the cold stone floor,
starting to sob hysterically. There was
nobody there to comfort her, she was
all by herself, she was all alone.

Insanely troubled part 2- A Jeremiah Valeska fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now