And If... We just chill ?

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I smiled, "set the table, the food is ready in ten minutes."

"Okay." He jumped off the stool, and did as I said.

We then ate, enjoying our quality time together, mainly talking about our future and he was asking me the most hilarious questions. It soon came time to get ready for bed and bedtime quickly followed after.

Almost three hours after I fell asleep on the couch, I heard some movements around me, which woke me up. I rubbed my eyes, then looked around and saw some light coming from the hall upstairs. I stretched and decided to see what was going on. I heard the shower running from Tinashe's room, so I went there. Before entering in though, I knocked three times.

"Come in."

I frowned, but walked in anyways, shrugging. I didn't expect her to let me in, but I wasn't against it. Her room was clean and everything was well organized, each furniture harmonizing with each other.

I cleared my throat and sat on the bed, waiting for her to come out her bathroom. She was taking long, so I then found myself laying on my back, with my eyes closed, slowly drifting back to sleep. I didn't know why I was so tired today, although I didn't do much.

"Hey, get off my bed ! " She shook me, waking me up.

I opened my eyes to see Tinashe standing in front of me, with only a towel on and her arms crossed across her chest. Her hair was wet, waving up as the minutes were passing by. It'd always done something to me to see her with her hair like that, it was just adding in her attractiveness.

I was trying to think about something else, so my friend down there wouldn't make an appearance, but it was hard with this beautiful woman standing over me.

I wanted to get that towel off, and showed her love like it was never done before.

I yawned and sat up, patting the spot next to me. "I don't have time for your games tonight, Rich. Get up." She said, shaking her head as she made her way to her closet.

I rolled my eyes and went to empty my bladder since I had a sudden urge to pee. As I was washing my hands, I could feel a presence behind me. I looked up in the mirror and finally noticed Tinashe, who was checking me out with hungry eyes.

"Love what you're seeing, pretty ? " I asked smirking.

"I was just waiting for you to get out, so I can dress." She was standing next to me now, "by the way, you can go home now. I have it from here. Thanks."

"No need to thank me, it's my son and I love spending time with him. And...uh," I cleared my throat, "talking about our son, RJ asked if I could stay here for the weekend, so we can all hang out together."

"Oh...did he really say that ? " She arched an eyebrow, as a little smirk appeared in the corner of her lips.

"What ? You think I'm lying ? I don't have to do all that to stay here, I know exactly how to get my way with you."

"Oh, no, that's what you think." She closed the little distance between us and as if the towel itself knew what was going to happen, it dropped on the floor, leaving Tinashe completely naked.

Since I was shirtless, I could immediately feel the warmness of her skin and at this moment, I wanted her to go nowhere. I wrapped my left arm around her waist, bringing her even more close as she let out a gasp, staring attentively at my lips.

Before I could even realize what I was doing, my lips went on her neck, leaving sweet kisses on her skin. She instantly moved her head, so I could have more access. Once I got to her spot, I started sucking on it, alternating with slight bites and kisses, causing small and sexy moans to escape her mouth as her hands began wandering on my naked torso, going down to the front of my pants.

And If... {completed and edited 2024}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt