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Lucinda was packing her bags as she was about to fly down to Los Angeles to check on her older brother and his lady friend. Lucy had gotten a call that Chloe was shot as was Lucifer. Once Lucinda zipped up her bag she called for Alfred. "Hey Alfred, can you help me take this downstairs?" Lucinda asked grabbing one of the bags. Alfred just smiled taking the other suitcase as he took the lead. Lucinda's phone rang and she quickly checked it seeing the contact. 'Blurry Face'. She stepped back into her room answering the call. "Hey, Tyler what do you need?" Lucy asked quickly. Bruce had walked into her room with a grim look on his face as he sat down on her bed. "Joker just got back, without Harley," Tyler said. "What?" Lucy asked as she walked over to Bruce, she glanced down at him. "Batman got her," Tyler said. "Uh, put him on the phone," Lucy said. "Lucinda my dear, the Bat has stolen my queen," Joker said over the phone. "I know Jay, I know," Lucy said cautiously looking down At Bruce who had wrapped his arms around her waist. "Promise when you get back you'll help me break her out," Joker said. "I promise, I gotta get going, tell Blur- Tyler, and Josh I said bye," Lucinda said before hanging up.

"Joker got away, I managed to put Harley in Belle Reve," Bruce said annoyed. Lucinda sighed before putting her phone in her back pocket. "I know Batsy, I know," Lucy said. The nickname had caught Bruce's attention, the only other person to call him Batsy was Harley, whenever Lucy referred to him as Batman was when she balled him Bat, never Batsy. "So who's Jay, and Tyler, and Josh?" Bruce asked suspiciously. "They're just friends, they're kinda like my second family," Lucinda said. "Huh, how come I never heard of these 'friends' till right now?" Bruce said as he stood up while Lucinda went to grab her suitcase heading downstairs where Alfred was. "Ya know, back there it sounded like you were about to say Blurry face," Bruce said making Lucinda stop in her tracks. She reached for her phone turning to face Bruce. "Why would I say that I know Blurry face is an alliance of Joker and Harley," Lucy said as Alfred took her bag taking it to the car. She thanked him and he nodded his head at her. "Ironically I found out last night that Blurry Face's real name is Tyler, and his partner Lane Boy, his name is Josh," Bruce said.

'All my friends are then take it slow' Lucinda cringed at the song signifying Tyler was calling again. "You gonna answer that?" Bruce asked. Lucy turned around taking her phone out of her pocket only for it to be snatched by Bruce. "What the hell Lucy!!!" Bruce yelled once he saw the contact name. "How long?" Bruce asked his voice cracking. "I can't do this Bruce, I gotta see my brother," Lucinda said trying to take her phone back from Bruce. "How fucking long Lucinda!!!" Bruce yelled. "Three years," Lucy said. "Three fucking years Lu!?" Bruce asked. "They're my family Bruce what'd you expect me to do turn them in!?" Lucinda asked. "I'm you're boyfriend Lucinda, I'd expect you to make my job easier if your friends with Joker and his gang!" Bruce yelled. "Like I said they're my family!" "Well, I hope you don't burn them to a crisp and send them to hell like you did your last one!" Bruce yelled immediately regretting his choice of words. "I would never do that, because they understand me, unlike you," Lucy said before snatching her phone back and heading out to the car.

SHe was driven all the way to the airport where the Jet bruce set up for her flight to L.A was waiting. She got out of the car using her telekinesis to life up to her bags. She made her way to the jet until a dark figure stood in front of her. "*Sigh* I knew it," Lucy said grabbing her phone sending Josh a text. She tossed her phone to the side before waving her hand around Batman's weapons now being in her possession. "C'mon Bruce, I gotta see my brother," Lucy said. "We both know I can't let you do that Lu," Bruce said. Lucy dropped Batman's weapons manifesting her wings as she tried to fly off Bruce grabbed his Batarang hitting Lucy's cheek, she winced in pain falling to the ground. Bruce grabbed her by the wings throwing her across the airport's runway just before he landed she flapped her wings. Her back was turned to the devil's trap drawn on the ground, Bruce had spray painted it there before he stopped Lucy from boarding the jet. Bruce grabbed his gun aiming it at Lucinda. "Try me Batsy, I'm gonna see my brother one way or another" Lucy said as she turned to fly away only for three bullets to go into her wing. She collapsed right into the devil's trap. An angel being shot in the wing is the equivalent to a human being shot in the shoulder blade, painful.

Bruce stepped up to her as she retracted her wings, wincing in pain. I'm sorry Lu" Bruce said before mounting his bike as the cops showed up. Lucinda sighed as she punched the ground. The cops got to her already with special handcuffs just for the devils baby sister. Once she arrived at Bell Reve she met Griggs. "Put these on princess" Griggs tossed her a dusty orange jumpsuit, only it was cut into shorts, she looked at the tag seeing a 'J' sewn into it. Joker had already gotten to the guards here. Lucy changed into the basically romper and was met with cuffs around her neck and wrists. She gulped as she was walked around Belle Reve. To her left, there was a man throwing his dinner around screaming at the guards and camera in his cell. to her left there was someone with a punching bag, she tensed up recognizing this man. The walked over a manhole cover where Lucy could vividly hear growling.

"*Gasp* Oh Lucy they got you, no" Harley got off her hammock walking to the bars. Lucy went to talk to her until she cried in pain as the burning coming from where the cuffs were located. "What are you doing to her, I'll kill you for this!!!" Harley yelled from the cage she was in. she was suddenly pushed back by an electrical wave that had gone through the bars of the cage. "Rule number one, no talking, we don't need you casting some freaky deaky witch spell," Griggs said "I'm the princess of hell, not a witch-" Lucy cried in pain again as she was being hurt by the cuffs. "Rule number two no using any magical powers you have and that includes those pretty wings of yours," Griggs said as two guards picked Lucy up dragging her. "Rule number three, you do anything anyone of high power tells you, so basically you listen to all of us," Griggs said as sLucy was taken outside to a confinement tube located on top of a devils trap. "Rule number four, you disobey any of these rules you will be injected with holy water.

Chato Santana stopped the image of fire he was making and looked out the window of his confinement tube. He saw Lucinda weak at her knees as she was tossed onto the ground of the devil's trap. He looked at the romper she wore wondering as to why her outfit was different from everyone else. she had blue and white cuffs on her wrists and her neck. tattoos were on her arms going all the way up them. Her black hair had red highlights and her iris's were black to the point where you couldn't see her pupils. He watched as she went to say something only for her to scream in pain. He winced seeing the woman cry in pain. One of the guards picked her up basically tossing her into the confinement tube. The door was closed as everyone walked away from it. All Diablo could think was the look of fear the girl held before the door was closed on her.

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