Task Force X

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"I have them, the worst of the worst" Amanda Waller said plopping the binder with the names of criminals in front of Admiral Olsen and Dexter. "There rumors that some of them have abilities," Admiral Olsen said. "Well the rumors are right you know what the problem with a metahuman is? The human part" Amanda said as she started cutting into her food. "We got lucky Superman shared our values, the next Superman might not," she said. "You're playing with fire Amanda-" "I'm fighting fire with fire," Amanda said taking a sip of her wine. "You're not gonna pitch us this Task Force X project again are you?" Admiral asked. "Yes, but this time you're gonna listen," Amanda said before opening the binder flipping to the first page, Floyd Lawton, aka Deadshot. "Everyone has a weakness, and that weakness can be leveraged, his is an 11-year-old honor student in Gotham City, so we watched her and waited". "You caught him?" Dexter asked. "Not me, I just gave an anonymous tip to the right guy in Gotham City, so now we have a man who never misses." "Where'd you put him?" Admiral asked. "Let's just say we put him in a hole and threw away the hole," Amanda said before flipping the page to the next criminal. Harleen Quinzel, aka Harley Quinn.

"Harley Quinn, before she ran off and joined the circus she was known as Doctor Harleen Quinzel, a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum. She was assigned to the clown himself. She thought she was curing him but, she was falling in love. Talk about a workplace romance gone wrong. They became the king and queen of Gotham city, and God helps anyone that disrespected the queen. She's crazier than he was and more fearless" Amanda said taking a bite out of her food before flipping to the next file, George 'Digger' Harkness, Aka Captain Boomerang. "Then there's the Aussie, or as the tabloids call him, Captain Boomerang. He robbed every bank in Australia at least once, then came out of America for a fresh target set, doesn't work well with others. But detangled with a Metahuman and lived to tell about it" She said before flipping to the next page, Chato Santana, aka El Diablo.

"Have you heard of the pyrokinetic homeboy?" She asked. "How'd you catch him?" Dexter asked. "We didn't he surrendered. Chato Santana, on the streets they call him El Diablo" Amanda said as she cut into her steak taking a glance at Chato's paperwork. "This L.A gangbanger thought he was king of the world, until he lost his plane, gets jumped in a prison riot and incinerates half the yard, the security video is incredible," Amanda said in slight fascination herself in a reminder of what she had seen when she went over his profile. She flipped to the next page, Waylon Jones, aka Killer Croc. Admiral and Dexter both slightly jumped at the appearance of him. "Oh sheesh, who the hell is that?" Admiral asked. "His name is Waylon Jones, evolution took a step backward with this one, they call him Killer Croc. He looks like a monster, so they treated him like a monster, and he became a monster" Amanda said stabbing into her steak before taking a bite out of it. "Who's chased out of Gotham by the Bat, searching for sanctuary elsewhere, he never found it"

"These next two are the best, first we have the witch," Amanda said. "The witch" Dexter said confused. "I'm talking of lying, spell casing, making shit disappear kind of witch, a sorceress from another dimension another world. Archeologist Dr. June Moone wandered into the wrong cave, she opened something she shouldn't have released one of the most powerful metahumans we've ever encountered, The Enchantress. She inhabits Dr. Moone's body now" Amanda explained. "Where is this witch?" Admiral asked. "In my pocket" Amanda responded. "How do we know she won't turn into a frank" Dexter asked, a frank meaning enemy in his slang. "Some say the witch has a secret buried heart, and whoever finds it can control the witch, so we searched the cave where she turned up and we found her heart," Amanda said opening a briefcase putting her fingerprint into it to disarm the bomb placed right next to Enchantress's heart. "That thing's her heart?" Admiral asked. "Without it she's vulnerable" "You want to put our national security to be put in the hands of witches, gangbangers, and crocodiles" Admiral said trying to understand Amanda Wallers thought process. "Don't forget about the Joker's girlfriend" Dexter added. "These are villains Amanda, what makes you think you can control them?" Olsen asked. "Because getting people to act against their own personal interest for the national security of the united states is what I do for a living, you take the finest special forces officer this nation has ever produced, Colonel Rick Flagg, I assigned him to watch Dr. Moone and just as I hoped, it got personal, I had the witch's heart, and Dr. Moone has his, now he'll follow my orders as Holy Writ" Amanda explained. Admiral Olsen and Dexter both shared a look. "In a world of flying men and monsters this is the only way to protect our country," Amanda said. Dexter glanced at the binder remember Amanda had one person left.

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