Chapter Five

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"Tommy, wake up!" Thomas woke up to Newt shaking him. "Finally, we need to get you to the Slammer! Get up." Thomas got up and proceeded to follow Newt to a place behind some bushes, that hadn't been cut in ages, that was a big clock with roughly cut concrete that had one tiny, barred window. Newt unlocked the wooden door. "Here we are." Thomas stepped in. "See you around night fall." With that said, Newt was off to start the day.

"Well great." Thomas said to no one. He turned around and saw a chair in the corner, but besides that the room was empty. Thomas sighed and took a seat in the chair. "Now I wait."
"You brought him already right?" (Y/N) questioned her higher-upper. Newt smiled and nodded.

"Yes, I'm not that forgetful, love." (Y/N) nodded.

"I know, I know, I just don't want him going two days without food."

"You're such a mom." Newt shook his head.

"I wouldn't be the one talking." (Y/N) responded.

"Ooh. Ouch." Jonah said, listening into their conversation, causing everyone sitting with the main group to laugh.

"Shut up JoJo." Newt replied with a smirk.

Jonah shot him a glare. (Y/N)s head moved from Jonah to Newt.

"I don't like where this is going..."

"They're going to kiss aren't they?" Zach questioned. He walked up to the group with his breakfast in hand.

Corbyn snorted. "Ha. I wish. That'd mean two less rivals."

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow. "Rivals? What or should I say Who are you competing for? It's Thomas isn't it?" (Y/N) put both of her hands in her cheeks and squealed. "Romance is blooming in the Glade!"

Daniel smirked, waiting for one of the three to respond. "Yeah, What are you competing for?"

"Daniel, aren't you also apart of this?" Zach butted in. Daniel blushed.

"Our whole friend group is, Zachary, so I mean, I guess the both of us are." Daniel replied. Zach nodded.

"What are you competing for?!" (Y/N) questioned. "I can't stand suspense!"

"You'll learn sooner or later, (Y/N/N)." Newt replied, patting the petite girls head. "Well, time to do our part." Newt got up, throwing his trash* away before going off the the Gardens.

"Later guys." (Y/N) threw her trash away, heading towards the Homestead. She suddenly stopped. "It's Teresa, isn't it?! I'd understand, she's a very pretty girl! Confusing, but still pretty! It's okay, your secret is safe with me!" She then walked off.

"Little does she know..." Corbyn said to his remaining friends.

"She doesn't give herself enough credit." Daniel continued.

"She'll find out sooner or later." Zach shook his head.

"But will she be able to accept it?" Jonah asked, looking at (Y/N)s fading figure.

"I'd hope she would, I mean there's seven, possibly eight hot-" Zach licked his pinky and index finger before swiping them across his eyebrows, "-guys after her. She's gotta accept one, right?"

Daniel shook his head at Zach's action. "I guess."
"You've really gotta be more careful, Jonah. This is the third time this week you've burnt yourself." (Y/N) sighed. She then took ahold of Jonah hand and ran it under some cold water.

Jonah rubbed the nape of his with his free hand. "Not my fault I'm a horrible cook." (Y/N) stopped rinsing his hand and looked up at him. She furrowed her eyebrows.

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