~Scenario~ If the Gladers got Phones

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Okay! This might be confusing but before every scenario I'm going to put what that Glader has the others contact name as. Basically, the contacts from that persons pov. Hopefully that isn't confusing. Also Thomas won't be in these, yet.
Jonah- Cup of Jo
Zach- Child
Jack- Noodles
Newt- Newtie
Daniel- Dani
Minho- Min-Min
Corbyn- Corbean
(Y/N)- (Y/N/N)

(Y/N) was doing her daily job in the Homestead. She was attempting to reach for something on a higher shelf. "Curse you Jeff and Clint." She mumbled under her breathe. She then proceeded to pull out a small device.

Important People aND (Y/N):

I need help!

Cup of Jo:
This better not be another one of your jokes.

What now?

I'm here!

Is it important enough to interrupt our running?

Yes it is?

Well, get to it.

I can't reach the medical tape. :(

Oh my-

Don't worry I got this!

~15 Minutes Later~

I don't got this...

Cup of Jo:
Seriously? I'm coming.

~Another 15 minutes later~

Cup of Jo:
The medical tape wasn't even that high...

Says the one if the tallest people in the Glade.

Exactly my point!

Jonah- Jonah
Zach- Best Friend
Newt- British Dude
Minho- Sass King
Daniel- Daniboy
Corbyn- Corbean
(Y/N)- My World
Jack- Noodles

Jack looked around and realized he wasn't paying attention to where he was going. "Shuck." He cursed. He then pulled out his phone to get some assistance.

Important People aND (Y/N):

Yo I'm kinda in a crisis at the moment.

My World:

My World:
Did you loose Min again?

How'd you know?

My World:
Just a guess.

Sass King:
Jack, where did you go? You were right behind me...

My World:
Oh gosh. Please don't get hurt.

British Dude:
Hurry back. The walls are going to close in an hour.

Heh. About that. I don't know where I am.

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