Chapter Two

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(Y/N) had woken up early so she could see the Runners off. Not long after the Runners left Alby and Thomas returned from writing his name on the wall. Thomas looked at (Y/N) and saw a dog was following her.

They don't plan to use him or her for meat right? He thought as she made her way out of the Bloodhouse. Newt walked up to Thomas. "Hey Greenie. Today we're going to find you a-" he was then cut off by the Greenie alarm. "What the shuck? That's not supposed to happen for another month."

(Y/N) came up to Thomas and Newt. "What's going on? Has it already been a month? Did I sleep for an entire month?!" She questioned. Newt and Thomas probably would've laughed at this, except for the fact that they had no clue what was happening.

(Y/N) started walking to the Box, soon followed by Thomas and Newt. Daniel and Corbyn were already at the box. "Why are we getting another Greenie?" Corbyn asked. (Y/N) shrugged and watched as Alby ran over to them followed by Gally.

"You!" Gally pointed at Thomas. "You're the reason this is happening. I should've known that I recognized you!" Thomas tilted his head.

"What are you talking about?" Thomas asked.

"I saw you. I saw you in one of my memories." (Y/N) looked back and forth between Gally and Thomas.

"Alright you shucks, lets calm down and open the box." Alby said, finally stepping in.

Newt and Gally opened the boxes top while (Y/N) jumped in. She stood there for a few seconds before Corbyn finally broke the silence. "Well? Who is it?"

"It- it's a girl." She said still extremely shocked.

"What?" Newt questioned and jumped in. "Bloody hell, it IS a girl." Gladers started asking questions. Somewhere along the lines of 'is she hot?', 'I call dibs', and 'you can't call dibs!'

"Zip it you shanks!" Alby shouted, "lift her out of the box."  Newt picked up the girl and two random Gladers hoisted her up.

Newt and (Y/N) hopped out of the box while everyone else surrounded her. The girl shot up. (Y/N) screamed while everyone else took a step back.

"Holy schnitzels!" (Y/N) looked at the girl. Her eyes drifted from one person to the next, then made contact with (Y/N). The new girl held out her hand and passed out yet again. "There's something in her hand." (Y/N) took a step forward and opened the newbies hand. "A piece of paper?" She questioned. She then opened the note. She looked up with wide eyes.

"What's it say, (Y/N)?" Daniel questioned.

"She's the last one. Ever." She responded with. The Gladers began talking among themselves. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" She questioned. She put her face in her hands. She rubbed her eyes. (Y/N) flipped the note over and saw writing on the back. "'Everything's going to change'?" She muttered, deciding to keep that to herself.

"Move out." Alby said. Everyone then went back to work. "Jeff. Clint. I need you two to bring the newbie to the Homestead." Jeff and Clint nodded, picked up the new female, and went the same way as (Y/N).

They set the Greenie on a bed. "I'll take care of her. You two can have a break." Jeff and Clint nodded and exited the room. (Y/N) sighed. "Everything's going to change, huh?" She questioned the unconscious girl. (Y/N) wet a small towel and put it on the Greenies head. "Guess I'm your caretaker now." She said to no one in particular. "Fun."
"(Y/N)." Minho voice snapped the said girl out of her thoughts. She smiled.

"Minho, you're back early."

"Oi, (Y/N), I heard there's a girl Greenie now." Minho said walking over to her. She only nodded. "You alright? I thought you would've been excited for a chick friend." (Y/N) yet again, only nodded. Minho sighed. "I know you're not fine. I've known you for what? Two years? And I know for a fact that you aren't fine." Minho took a seat next to her. "Wanna talk about it?" (Y/N) nodded.

Runaway Runner{A Why Don't We X The Maze Runner}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें