lenpiko jjjfchfux7xx7rc8tswzw

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have i ever mentioned how much i love LenPiko

Yeah im fucking hhhhhuh 💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💕💖💖💕💖💕💖💖💕💕💖💕💖💕💖💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕sob i♡them sm jjgvhvjghhg

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Yeah im fucking hhhhhuh 💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💕💖💖💕💖💕💖💖💕💕💖💕💖💕💖💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕sob i♡them sm jjgvhvjghhg

Id actually  link my fave Len and Piko song but

A: its on nico nico douga and its hard to link songs from there

B: i doubt people actually listen to the songs i link hhhh (i only really link them if they're new songs/covers/loids to give them a smol bit of limelight uwu)

C: i cant be fucking bothered man

//also i doubt it matters much but did i mention i have a twitter uwu ^^ basically just my normal username ^^
But i dont really post extra stuff there (i just repost shit hhhhh), but yeah. Tweeter
(Also im 70% more likely to respond to comments/messages on Twitter so there's that) ((but on amino its 98% chance of me responding vvbjg🤷‍♂️))

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