Freedom Ends Here

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"Never!" He shouted and ran off, Susie tried to shout after him but nothing came out but a dozy scream, I was feeling kind of dozed out to, and so was Ralsie, he looked at me tired and lay his head almost unconsciously on my chest, like always soft and fluffy, he was so comforting to look at, I saw where Lancer was he left a grenade of some sort, letting a off a purple substance... I couldn't take it anymore, I felt my head fall as well.

I wasn't awake, I was barely conscious, I swear I heard dragging as my dimly lit eyes saw Ralsei unconscious and Susie's once confident hair being dragged across the floor, I swear on the way I... I saw a sign and it read 'Freedom Ends Here' (highschool)

"Kris! Kris!! Please wake up... its so lonely here." Ralsei pleaded for me to regain consciousness, his voice felt warming in the cold and dark environment, the light cut from time to time... now I realize we were imprisoned, where the hell was Susie? I bet it was Lancer, that little lying... ahh damn! Everything we've ever tried has got us here... at least I'm with Ralsei.

"Oh...hi Ralsei" I yawned with a terrible mood and bad hair, two minutes have passed since we're in here, for some reason I crawl down and stare intensely at the moss... it felt pretty stupid but oh well, I started eating away at it in some weird lost mood.

"Kris... its only been two minutes and you're already eating moss...huh, come on Kris you should stop that." Ralsei told me, I guess he was right, I did look ridiculous, I mean, I guess I should so... I leaned back tiredly

"Well, it- it looks like um, were imprisoned... I mean at least I'm here with you right?" Ralsei laughed trying to shove off the negative as he edged near me.

"Leave me alone Ralsei! I!.. I-I'm sorry... its just been so tiring and pointless coming here now, worst of all is now were all alone and trapped! Is it alright if we talk for a bit...I..." Slowly I fell to the ground in hopelessness as my voice wailed for help, Ralsei ran over and held me with him, leaning against the terribly constructed wall as I dug my head into his chest.

"I-Its alright Kris... were in this together alright? Me and you, um, we can just talk it away, you can say whatever is on your mind to me alright? I'll always listen to you." Ralsei softly comforted me as he whisked his paw back and forth through my hair, calming me more with every pass.

"Ralsei... say whatever is on your mind to me please, whatever it is." I asked him calmly, his eyes started to shatter more like glass as his glasses destabilized, the trouble he was hiding was worse then I thought, yet I had no idea what it was, the more closer we get to the geyser the more it amplifies... Ralsei's breathing started to shake.

"Kris... I-... Kris... Once you break that geyser, you're- you're going to go and I'll be all alone... I- I don't think I can take it! Yet... if I was asking you to stay then I would be so selfish! I don't want to be like that K-kris! In the end its all up to you yet, I- I would feel so broken either way, I don't know what to do Kris!..." Ralsei cried in terror as he felt the future edging round the corner with every single second.

"Ralsei...I-" I try to think of every thing that could avoid this, yet nothing comes to mind, it felt so bad that I even promised I'd always be there for him, I told him that to comfort him but now I feel like that I back-stabbed him, I... I had no idea either, worst thing was all was my soul felt like ripping apart and fleeing from me just from watching Ralsei crying himself to sleep and all because of me, in fact my soul felt like it sorta did...

"Its alright Ralsei... I don't care how but I'll figure this out for us, I-I love you more then anything and I never want to let you go... just fall asleep on me Ralsei... everything is gonna be just fine, my fluffy critter..." I kissed him tightly and passionately as the white in his eyes started to blend a nice blue with the night sky, his head fell on my chest as I stroked him head to tail, I felt every soft breath on top of me, his fluffy tail wagged with a slow and adorable sway, I was glad he liked this.

Slowly I felt my head fall down on to his, we rested together and waited as the night sky struck over the sky... this was so peaceful.

"Oh... and Kris, don't eat the moss." Ralsei yawned as he fell asleep again, I gotta admit I kinda wanted to... for some weird stupid reason, oh well, I followed what he said anyways, I just want to got to sleep like him, we are fine for now right?

Until The End: KrisxRalsie (Deltarune)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant