I Don't Want To Leave...

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"K-Kris! Um, are- are you ok?" I anxiously worried as she fell into my arms, shaking so much as if her heart was ripped out, she held me so tight it almost hurt, warmth soaked into her as she continuously cried and hugged me.. she didn't want to let go at all.

"R-Ralsei I... you're not dead!- Please tell me you're still alive and here! I don't want you to leave me like this! You-you were dead and it was- it just!... I- I'm so scared!- I-" Kris continually panicked as her thoughts and fears went into overdrive... even her armor couldn't hide the fact that she was shaking.

"K-Kris... I don't know what happened um, its ok though!. Just hug me, I promise I'm still here- I'll always be here for you Kris and I still am ok?" I tried my best to comfort her, it took a while but to my relief she nodded, putting her hand on my chest.

"Ummmm... guys? Whats going on?" Susie stared with puzzled and awkwardly confused eyes, it took her a while for her pace of breathing to catch up as she knocked her axe against the floor, Lancer and Rouxls stood aside somewhat mesmerized, it was almost alien to see Lancer not reacct to something in a childish way.. his spade eye just looked on ominously, watching for any sudden moment.

"Kr-Kris? What are you doing? We knocked him down and... Ralsei is still here, so... Lance? and... sorry we've only just met, I swear I've seen that sneak before, Rouxls, I-I think we need to give them some space, glad that guy is locked away though." Susie requested, hoping her words could get past their confused minds, sure enough they nodded and headed with Susie back into the castle.

"Oh.. i-it was those white flashes wasn't it Kris? They happen to me sometimes when I feel down.. its ok... it felt so bad Kris, like.. my vision went blurry and then a sudden sharp pain hit me, but I'm still here ok? I-I just don't want you to get hurt" Ralsei explained as he felt Kris's every heart beat thud with uncertainty..

"You didn't need to do that... I'd rather die and let you live, I-I think I'm ok Ralsei.. and now I guess-"

"Ah damn, the breach looks like it might seal soon! We got to get home Kris! I know I'm going anyways, but you gotta come to!... I-..." Susie panicked, not because she wanted to get home, its just when she does, she'll have to leave Lancer, Ralsei and this place behind, her thoughts weighed her down with every second.

Every single second was one that felt like a heart attack, she knew she had to go but, Kris couldn't take it.

"K-kris?" Ralsei asked in an uneasy tone.. he knew it was coming but he couldn't believe it

"I- I guess this might be good bye... Ralsei... I'll always love you.." Kris faintly cried, unable to hide behind her voice, or her hair, her feelings overwhelmed her at least a hundred save files over.

"...I don't want to leave! I- I can't take this! Someday.. I- I promise you, I'll be here for you again! But I don't want to let you go!" Kris cried in fear, feeling like those dreams of her and Ralsei in the future where at a sudden moment broken, her heart felt like it really wanted to rip out of her chest...

Kris could only feel regret that it made her armor and cyan skin non existent to her, feeling those white eyes, those mesmerizing eyes stare into her like this was the worst of a fading memory, they shimmered in the light as the tears flailed from them, Ralsei couldn't even break down yet... he felt paralyzed that his love meant nothing.

His eyes looked to Susie who hid behind her hair, this journey already hit her hard enough, her six foot stature couldn't protect her from that, she knew inside his eyes were peering at her... Lancers ace of spades eye hit her like heart ache.. did this all mean nothing?


Until The End: KrisxRalsie (Deltarune)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora