The nerves start to play up again when I walk to my car, unlocking it and getting in. I still have a couple hour drive ahead of me, giving me enough time to think things through. How will everyone react to me? Has Rafael told them about me or is it going to be a complete surprise? 

About 2 hours into the drive I can feel the tiredness seeping in my eyes, making them heavy. But the adrenaline in my body keeps me from getting too tired, especially my mind. My body is tired but my mind isn't. Especially my wolf, he is wide awake, the thought of him seeing his mate again keeping him excited. 

I looked up the clearing that Rafael and his pack are now using on google maps so hopefully I won't get lost. He doesn't really have an address so that made it a bit more difficult.

The sky is already really dark, the only thing lighting up the outside are the lights of my car. The road is really quiet, not many people drive here at 8 pm on a Friday night.

Finally after another 2 hours of driving in complete silence and darkness, I can see the lights of a camp. Torches are standing between the tents, shedding some light on the camp, allowing me to see dark figures walking around between the tents.

I step out of the car, locking it behind me. My senses immediately get assaulted by a number of smells and sounds. 

A large number of people are scattered around a campfire, laughing loudly and talking to each other. It looks very nice and cozy. It appears like they've just eaten with the amount of smells that hang in the air, making my stomach growl. I haven't eaten in quite some time. 

I can hardly react before I hear a loud growl and the feeling of hands around my throat. The hands push me down on the ground, the man the hands belong to gets in my face, growling loudly. My heartbeat picks up immediately, fear seeping into every bone in my body. It seemed like a good idea to surprise Rafael and show up tonight instead of tomorrow, but now I realize that I could have planned this out a bit better. 

''I-'' I try to speak but the big burly guy on top of me is making it a bit hard. His nails are digging into my skin, drawing some blood on my neck. My voice is hoarse and hardly audible so I can't really scream for help either. 

''WHO ARE YOU!'' The guy yells in my face, making me cringe. At least now he is drawing attention to himself and I can only hope that Rafael will come here to check it out and realize it's me, before this guy chokes me to death. 

My hands claw on his hands, trying to release the pressure on my throat but it's all in vain. This guy is a lot stronger than me. I try to get my wolf nails to come out so I can draw some blood, but I can't concentrate enough to make that happen, the fear constricting my mind from thinking clearly. The lack of oxygen is not helping either.

I can hear some footsteps approaching, but I can't smell Rafael yet. Maybe the smells of the foods are just too overwhelming now or my senses are slowly shutting down, either way I hope Rafael is on his way to save me. 

A face appears in my view, his expression confused. ''Wait a minute.'' His eyebrows scrunch together, making him look like he's in thought, trying to think of something. ''Isn't that..'' He looks around, ''He looks like Rafael's mate.'' Oh thank god. 

The guy finally releases me, I desperately try to breathe in the much needed oxygen I have been deprived of for too long. My hands immediately go to my throat healing the damage on my trachea and the wounds the guy made with his nails. 

I immediately start to breathe normally again, one of the perks of having the Gift. I can heal myself too. 

Everyone around me is staring at me with big eyes, looking down at my neck that would have been bruised had I not healed it. 

I look at the guy who saved me. He's a giant African American male with the biggest muscles I have ever seen. He has a friendly face though, making me feel a bit more comfortable. I vaguely recognize him as Rafael's beta. That would also explain why he recognized me. ''Thank you.'' I say, my voice still a bit hoarse. 

Before he can answer, a delicious scent hits my nose, making my wolf jump up in excitement. I quickly stand up, already anticipating his arrival. 

Finally I spot him, walking closer in my direction, a pissed off look on his face. But I don't let that stop me from running up to him and jumping in his arms. He catches me, letting out a little, ''umph'' from the impact. I just missed him so much, I couldn't wait to be in his arms again. My legs wrap around his waist, holding myself, and him, in place.

He wraps his arms around my waist, supporting my weight. I put my head in the space between his neck and his shoulder, smelling him, putting my wolf at ease. My heart rate calms a bit, my wolf and I feeling completely comfortable, finally being where we're supposed to be: in our mate's arms. 

''I'm sorry alpha, I didn't know.'' A voice disrupts our moment. I look up from Rafael's shoulder, looking right into the eyes of the guy that attacked me. He doesn't look as scary now though, he just looks guilty. 

I can practically feel Rafael's anger radiating off him. ''I'll deal with you later.'' He says through gritted teeth, his voice sounding very threatening. It makes the hairs on my back stand upright, even though I know he is not talking to me. 

''I'm okay.'' I quickly tell him. I don't want him to do the same to him as the guy has done to me, or even worse. ''It was a mistake, I should have told you I was coming earlier.'' 

Rafael stays tense, his arms tightening a bit around my waist. 

He puts me down, way too early in my opinion, and gives me a quick peck on the lips. The small gesture makes the butterflies in my stomach going crazy. I can feel my cheeks getting a bit hot.

Rafael steps away from me, my body immediately feeling the loss of his warm body. Wolves don't get cold, but I love warmth nonetheless. Or more accurately; I love Rafael's warmth, I love his warm body being close to mine. 

I turn around, just in time to see Rafael punch the guy in the throat. "That's for attacking my mate." He says, growling dangerously. 

I gasp, hearing a few gasps around me too. I grab Rafael's hand, partly to prevent him from punching again, and partly to heal his bruised knuckles. Nobody else dares to come close to the pissed off alpha male.

He looks down at his hand in wonder, before shifting his gaze to me. "How did you do that?" He asks, looking at his hand, turning it around, examining the now flawless skin. His eyes are wide with amazement.

"I healed you." I simply state. I look down at his hand to make sure it is completely healed. I can feel the exhaustion creeping into my bones, the healing taking a toll on my energy level.

"You-" he pauses, his eyes shifting between me and his hand, going back and forth, "You have the Gift?" He asks, sounding very amazed and stunned at the same time.

"Yes, you know that I'm the pack doctor right?" I don't understand the big deal. Doesn't every pack doctor have the Gift?

"That doesn't mean that you automatically have the Gift!" He says, grabbing my shoulders, shaking me a bit. His eyes are wide and bright, sparkles dancing in them. 

''Oh, I guess so.'' I mumble, looking away from his too excited eyes. I didn't know that it was such a big deal. It's not a big deal for me. I love my Gift but I hate it at the same time. It's what got my mother killed. If she was normal, like any other wolf, she might still be alive. Same goes for my dad. 

''Now let's go meet everybody.'' Rafael says, his excitement has died down a bit, but is still there. This time it's a different kind of excitement, it's a more proud excitement. He grabs my hand, dragging me to the group of people that is watching us, watching our every move. 

Now the nerves really start to go to the forefront of my brain. I've made quite the entrance, will they still like me? What if they hate me now? 

I guess there is only one way to find out.

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