Chapter 6

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Rafael's POV

I knew it the second he walked into the room. His scent. The way my body wanted to get closer. I knew my wolf wouldn't know for sure until we looked each other in the eye, I heard enough stories about that moment from others.

But his whole vibe, the way my wolf wanted him to look up at me, the way I wanted to run to him and just pick him up and do everything I want with him.

All of this told me.

He was mine. He had to be. I didn't want him to be anyone else's. 

During the entire meeting I let my beta do the talking while I paid attention to him. His alpha introduced him when they walked in, saying his name was Oliver. I always thought Oliver was such a cute name. 

I kept staring at him, but he just wouldn't look up. Why? What was so special about that table that he felt the need to keep looking at it? I didn't understand. Why wouldn't he look at me? Wouldn't he have to feel something too? Didn't he smell me? Wasn't his wolf urging him to look up?

Finally the end of the meeting was announced, which meant that we would shake hands. I would get to touch him, his skin against mine. 

But something in me told me that he still wouldn't look up, so I had to do something unexpected. Something that would make him look up, look at me so I would now for sure. So he would know too. 

In the short moment I had to plan out what I was going to do, I eventually went for pulling his hand a little, it was an unexpected thing and he would probably look up. I hoped at least. 

But I ended up pulling it too hard, making him fall into me. Not that I minded, I just didn't mean to pull that hard, I was afraid I might even hurt him. 

But it did the trick. His brown eyes shot to mine, my wolf screaming out, 'Mate!' just as I'd expected. I couldn't be happier. He was my mate. I had found my mate. And not just any mate too. He was gorgeous, beautiful, warm brown eyes, soft pink lips, perfectly sculpted eyebrows. A subtle beard was on his chin, probably making him look older than he was.

I am already 26 which is late to meet your mate. Most wolves meet their mates around the age of 20. I already lost hope of finding a mate, thinking that the moon goddess was punishing me for all the bad I have done in my life.

But there he was, right in front of me, looking in my eyes. I felt blessed in that moment. Blessed by the moon goddess.

I could see the shock in his eyes, I guess he didn't expect this then. 

And then he did the unthinkable. He ran away. He turned around and fled the room. 

I, of course, followed him. He couldn't run away from me! I just found him! 

I grabbed his hand, but he kept struggling. I told him to stop, talking in my alpha voice. But he didn't listen. Now that was weird. Because alpha voice works on about every wolf, so why didn't it work on him? Was it because we were mates?

I kind of know now why he ran away. He was afraid of me and my reputation, apparently some things happened in his past regarding rogues. I don't know the specifics, but I know I will find out. I will prove to him that I'm a good man, a good mate and that my pack are good men and women too. 

But I don't want to think about that now when he's about to strip. 

When the idea came into my mind to run with our wolves I felt like a genius. I was practically going to see a private striptease by my mate. Even with his clothes on I can see he's delicious. He's wearing pretty tight jeans, making his ass look great. 

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