Chapter 7

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The afternoon passed by so slowly. I couldn't stop thinking of later, when we're going out for dinner.

I tried to keep myself busy by reading a book, but my mind just kept wondering off to Rafael.

What is going to happen tonight? I already have a good memory of this morning when our wolves were playing with each other. It was great, our wolves don't have prejudice, they're just mates and that's all they know.

But tonight we will be talking as humans. Really talking, getting to know each other. I really wanted to know more about him. In my mind, he is still this kind of shady guy, but I want to change that. I'm starting to learn that there are more sides to him.

It always takes some time for me to trust people, to let them in, but I can tell that Rafael is already well on his way. He already made his way into my wolf's heart completely and he is a big part of me. The more carefree part of me.

I hate feeling this conflicted, I wish we were just like a normal mate couple.

I walk to my closet, seeing that it's almost time for dinner. Of course I need some time to pick an outfit. I want to look good for him, or at least okay. I don't have a great fashion sense, but I'll try to look nice.

I look through my closet, of course finding nothing nice. Why haven't I spent more time shopping?

Oh right, because I don't really like shopping.

I guess I'll just have to make do with what I have.

After browsing through my closet for a short while, there's really not much to browse, I decide to just go for an oversized shirt with a bit of a bare shoulder.

I brush my teeth, making my mouth feel fresh again. I put a few mints in my pocket, you never know, I got to be prepared for everything.

I take one last look in the mirror, deciding that I look okay, good enough I guess. My feet touch the wet soil as I step out the door of my house, locking it behind me.

The nerves really start to kick in now. I don't even know why I'm nervous, there is nothing to be nervous about. Just the thought of maybe exposing myself more to him, makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. I know I have to let him get to know more about me if we ever want to have a more healthy relationship. Also, I'm very curious to know more about Rafael.

Where are we even going to eat? I haven't thought of anything? And Rafael probably doesn't know any restaurants near because he doesn't live here. Where does he live? More evidence that I don't even know the basic things about him.

We have one little restaurant here in the pack village, but everyone here knows me and could be listening to our conversation. Maybe we can go to a restaurant in the human town. Or maybe he has plans to cook?

All these uncertainties make me nervous. I like to have a plan.

When I arrive at the pack house my heart is beating faster than it should have, going about 1000 beats per minute. I try to calm myself to get it back to the normal 70 beats per minute.

I decide to just go open the door, trying to relax and just sit back and let everything happen. It'll all sort itself out. And if not, that's okay too. Tonight doesn't have to be perfect.

I step inside the living room, realizing I still don't know where Rafael's room is. Or where he is staying at least. And this time he is not in the room already when I arrive. Maybe I can try to sniff him out? It sounds weird, but I can always smell him so I might just be able to follow that smell to where he is.

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