Chapter 10

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I put in the last stitch, finishing up the wound.

"Call me if it starts to hurt, alright?" I tell the elderly woman. Elderly people are more prone to fractures and wounds.

It's Friday today, this week passed by so slow. My wolf and I are restless, not seeing our mate making it hard to  concentrate on anything. I didn't sleep much, I kept wanting to go to Idaho to visit Rafael. I was planning on going there tomorrow, but I don't think I can wait another day. I'm thinking of driving to Idaho today, after work. The only problem with that is that I am always tired after a full day of work. 

Rafael gave me his phone number so we message each other sometimes during the week. We're both busy so it has not been much, to both of our annoyance. Messaging is also not the same as being with each other in real life. My wolf is craving his, he needs to be close to him. 

This was the last patient for today, I only have to get my stuff and I can leave for Idaho. Alpha Ned only reluctantly agreed to let me go. Me being pack doctor puts me in a difficult situation, because I need to be available at all times, in case someone gets injured or attacked. But we have a nurse in our pack so she can take care of the injured for a while. They only need me for the more serious stuff, surgeries for example. 

I walk to the breakroom, getting my coat and my bag. I can't wait to be in Idaho, not just to see Rafael, but also to see his pack, where he lives who he hangs out with. At the same time I'm also nervous. These people are so different from me, unlike Rafael they have no reason to like me. What if they see me as some kind of intruder? 

''Hey, Oliver.'' I hear a familiar voice speak from behind me. It's my one and only friend Janet. 

I turn around, facing her. I know I've abandoned her a bit this past week, making me feel a bit guilty. ''Hey, Janet.'' I greet her back. I haven't seen her at all today. 

''You look different.'' She says, her piercing green eyes examining me. She has always been the observant one. She notices everything. I feel like she's not talking about my now smooth face that was once covered in stubble. I think she's referring to my mood. 

''Different how?'' I ask her, curious to know what she's noticed about me. 

''I don't know how to explain it.'' She says. She averts her eyes, staring a bit in the distance as if trying to find a way to put into words what she's thinking. ''Lighter, I guess. You always walked around like you had a weight on your shoulders. It's like it's been lifted a bit.'' 

My eyes widen a bit at her accuracy. This woman is a witch, she's spot on. I do feel like a weight has lifted off my shoulders since I met Rafael. The world doesn't seem so bleak and grey anymore. My world has just become a lot more complicated, but complications are not always bad. 

Should I tell her about Rafael? I mean she is my best friend. ''I met someone.'' I say, feeling a light blush creep onto my cheeks. We never spoke about our love life with each other, our conversations were always mostly work or book related. 

A small smile appears on her face. ''That's nice.'' She says, her calm exterior putting me at ease. She is one of the only people I feel 100% comfortable with. ''Are you going to go to him now?'' She asks. 

I'm not sure if I ever came out of the closet to her, I think she just knew. She is the best person I know at reading people. Also my gayness is quite obvious. ''Yes, I'm driving up to him tonight.'' I answer her, feeling a small smile creep up on my lips too. 

''I hope you have fun. Tell me about him on Monday? I have to get back to work now.'' She says, before giving me a short hug and walking away to get back to her patients. 

The Rogue Pack Doctor (Published)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant