Chapter 8

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''So tell me something about yourself.'' Rafael says. I always hate it when people say that. What can I tell people about me that's even remotely interesting? I don't have any cool hobbies or talents.

"Uhm, I don't really know, what do you want to know?" I ask him, looking down at my fingers. They're close to his hand.

"Like what do you do during the day, what do you like to do in your free time?" He says, his voice sounding a bit excited.

I look at him again, seeing the real excitement in his eyes. He actually wants to know more about me, I hope I don't disappoint him with my very boring eventless life.

"I work in a hospital as a doctor, a surgeon." I say, answering his first question. I always feel some sort of pride when talking about my profession. I finished medical school faster than normal, making me one of the youngest surgeons. I just love my job, I love healing people, helping them get better. 

''Does your pack have a hospital?'' He asks, sounding surprised. Some bigger packs do have hospitals, we just have a small room, with a couple machines and a stretcher. 

''No, I work in a human hospital.'' I say, looking closely to his face to see his reaction. Some packs look down on werewolves working human jobs, they feel like everyone should be 100% committed to their pack. 

''Oh.'' He says, the expression on his face still one of surprise. ''Why? Is there nothing in the pack you can do?'' Oh no. Is he one of those people? One of those traditional people?
I'm getting slightly annoyed now. 

''No, there is not enough doctor's work that I can do, because our pack is not that big. And I want to heal people.'' I also didn't want to be around the pack too much when my parents died, so I went to college somewhere far away and got my medical degree. After that I just started working at the hospital I work at now, no one knew my story, so there were no pity looks like the ones I get here in my pack. But he doesn't need to know that yet. 

''Hmm, okay.'' He says, looking down at the table, seeming to be thinking it over. Is his pack a traditional one? Where everybody does something in the pack? 

''So do you have anything you like to do in your free time?'' I ask him to change the subject. I also really want to know, I can't imagine him having any hobbies like painting or something. 

He looks up at me again, his eyebrows furrowing together as he thinks about my question. ''I don't really have free time. I'm mostly busy with the pack and working out, training for battle.'' He says, as if he's just realizing this now. 

It makes me a bit sad that he's so busy that he doesn't have time for hobbies at all. I know he himself made his life so busy, but still. I hope he can make some more time for me in the future if this relationship gets serious. But that is something to worry about in the future. 

''What about you? Any hobbies?'' He asks just as the waitress walks over to us. We haven't even looked at the menus yet. 

''Hello.'' She says, I recognize her as one of Monica's daughters. I totally forgot her name though. ''Have you made a decision?'' She asks, sounding friendly and also a bit curious. She mostly looks at Rafael, probably wondering who he is and why he is here with me. 

''I'll have a beer please.'' Rafael says, looking at the menu. ''We'll order the food later.'' He says, before looking at me. 

The waitress shifts her attention to me too, waiting for me to tell her what I want. ''I'll just have a water, please.'' I try to eat and drink healthy, so I don't really drink much alcohol. After I've seen what it does to the body, the appeal is not that strong anymore. Of course, it doesn't do as much damage to a werewolf, but still. 

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