I rolled my eyes and let out a low chuckled.

Me: You kind of did. And tomorrow I won't be going to the date with you cause I was demanded to stay away from you.

Jared: Aww goody goody. You really need to live a little.

Me: Nah, I don't want them to have my head anytime soon.

Jared: Well, you're cute but too bad you're boring.

Me: Good! I don't want to attract any troublemaker like you :p

Jared: Hardy har! seriously though, I'm gonna kidnap you tomorrow and show you how to live.

I didn't even get a chance to reply cause he went offline. I groaned but I start to smile a little after that. My heart raced when he said I'm cute cause honestly, who won't when a good looking guy compliments you?

I close my laptop and pull the cover over my body and snuggle closer to my teddy. I went to sleep, with a smile plastered on my face.


"Hey, your pancake is ready." Chad said as soon as I walk in the kitchen.

I ignored him and went over the the cupboard and grabbed a granola bar. "I hitch a ride with Gillian from today onwards." I told Sam and left the kitchen without waiting for his response.

I walk out the door and Gil is already parked in my driveway. I smile and got in, "Sorry I bother you with this all." I said feeling guilty.

She laugh, "Tay you're my bestfriend. Besides, I'm tired of just walking to school everyday. Maybe fetch you to school and send you can be a great idea." she stated, shrugging.

I laugh and shook my head, "Oh no You don't have to send me home. I'll go home by bus." I told her.

"Whatever you say Taylor."

She parked in the lot few minutes later. I thanked her and went inside first since she said she want to hang in the car for a little bit. I got to my locker and open it.


I turn around and Jared is leaning against the locker beside mine. I quirk my eyebrow, "Go away Jared." I sigh.

"Why should I? You seem to enjoy my company." He said

I huff, "No. I don't. Now, go away. I don't want anymore trouble with my brother." I grumbled and slammed my locker shut.

I walk away when he grabbed my arm and pull me back. My heart beat fastened from how close he was to me.

Good thing is the hallway is empty cause my locker is all the way by the corner at the empty hallway. I'm one of the few people who had the locker here. "You said you want to go away but your eyes told me differently." he whisper.

"Oh yeah? What did they told you?" I challenged.

He smile, not smirking or grinning, a real genuine smile that show his right dimple and it melt my heart. "That you want me to stay and teach you how to live."

I rolled my eyes and take a step back. "You don't know me." I said and walk away.

He fall in step beside me, "That's why there's this thing called date. It let us know the person better." he said.

"Ha ha very funny." I mutter sarcastically.

He grinned, "You should really hang out with me." He stated.

"Why's that?" I asked and stop walking to stare at him. He smile, "Because I'm interested in knowing more about you." he admitted.

A smile made its way on my face. "I wish I could. But I can't." I said truthfully. He sigh, "Taylor break the rules. Once in awhile, break the rules. After all, you'll only have one chance to live." He said with a wink before walking away, leaving me thinking over what he just told me.

I shook my head and walk over to my first class. Not wanting to waste anymore time.


"Rumors has it that Jared ask you out." Iggy said as we doing our practice in gym.

I look at her, "Who told you that?" I asked as I ran and touch the line before running across and touch the line again and basically repeating the same thing until coach blow his whistle.

"Oh some girls in gym class just now." she answered, "So is it true?"

"Well kind of but I said no."

She gasped. "Why did you said no?" She asked, annoyed. I laugh, "Cause my Chad has said that he want me to stay away from him and that's final." I told her.

She groaned, "Don't listen to him. For once, stop being a goody goody and be a bit rebel." she grumbled.

I sigh, "Wish it could be that easy."

Coach blow his whistle. We stop running and catch our breath. "Its easy Taylor. All you gotta do is break the rules." she told me.

That's exactly what Jared told me. Break the rules.

I grinned. I guess they right. I gotta break the rules to live my life. Be a little bit of rebellious.

After practice and shower, I let my hair down since its still damp from the shower, I changed into my outfit and left the locker room after saying goodbyes with my teammates.

I walk out the front door and Jared is leaning against his bike, playing with his phone.

He look up and grinned at me. I smile and make my way towards him. "Why are you here?" I asked. He smirk, "I'm waiting for you because I have a feeling that you made up your mind already." He told me.

I quirk my eyebrow, "How did you know little?"

He shrug, "I just do." he said proudly. I chuckled, "Well you got me to break the rules. Now what?" I asked.

He smile and hand me a black helmet. "Put this on." he stated.

I chuckled nervously, "I don't know how." I said unsure. He laugh and take the helmet from my hand and put it on my head for me. He took a step closer to clip the helmet thing, I don't even know what this thing is.

I could smell his scent. Abercrombie masculine smell.

He grinned, "There all done. Isn't that easy?" he said.

"Its heavy." I whined.

He rolled his eyes, "Its suppose to be so it will protect your head." He told me as he knock on the helmet.


He park his bike outside the very eerie lot.

"Where are we?" I asked as I walk a little closer beside Jared since I was scared. He chuckle and wrap his arm around my waist.

He open the door of the building and led me inside. I heard people shout and some chanting. "What's that?" I asked as I look at him.

He grinned and somehow when he open another door, I gawk over how many people there is and their attention is on the middle of room. Jared took me to a illegal street fight.

"Welcome to the street fighting club. Though, I haven't really catch the name." he announced.

I raise my eyebrow, "Oh it's a street fight? I have no idea, I thought they were dancing in there." I retorted sarcastically.

Jared laugh. Its not just a chuckle or a small laugh. Its a full-blown throw your head at the back laugh.

I smile at the sound of his laughter. "You really is something else Taylor." He said when he sobered up. I furrowed my eyebrow, "Is it a good thing or bad?" I asked.

He shrug, "Depends on yourself. But it's a good kind of something else." He told me.

I huff, "Why are we here?" I grumbled. He look around, "Because this is the place where people broke the rules." he answered. I stare at him blankly, "Really? Of all places, you took me here?"

He laugh, "Nah. I'm just interested in this street fighting. Plus my friend will be up next." he told me.

"Okay then."



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