"No, Thor and I will go." Bruce said, placing his watch on, "We need three who can watch over the facility. We don't know if the guy from Wakanda is walking around."

"I'll go too." Rocket said, and Thor nodded, "It's about time I got off my ass."


Tony was sitting in his room and writing on his journal that he found on Drax's bed. He had been writing for over ten months now. The book was full of letters for Pepper. Everyday he would dream about her. Their future. What it could have been if he never went to space.

Those dreams are currently dead. Tony is in space and has no hope for going home. He is afraid their water and food supply would run out in the next five months. Referring to the past one year and a half, they have barely gotten close to Earth. They don't even know where they are.

"They" means him and Nebula. They haven't made the best team. They don't even consider each other a team. Tony would like to call it "situational partners." Nebula has went outside of space but it was to search for any signals of nearby planets. In the one year she has been doing that, zero signals have come across her.

The ship was running out of oxygen as well. The hit that the ship received from Titan was a large blow. They could still man the ship but its speed isn't as fast as when Quill used it.

There is a small chance either one of them would make it through another year. Tony is fearing he would never see Pepper again. Once he was finished with his letter, he looked forward. Nebula was there, sharpening her sword.

He wondered if she was scared for her life. Maybe she was used to it. Tony just ignored it for now. He'll found out soon before he drifts away.

But for now, he had to stay alive. Tony stood up and walked over to Nebula. She looked up to him and gave him a confused face.

"This is weird but... you want to play?" Tony suggested.

"What?" Nebula asked back.

"I got some paper there. We'll see what we can do." Tony sighed, "Just... if you want to play, just go to me."

Tony walked over to the map station in the middle of the ship, and sat on one side. He looked at the paper, which was flat and blank. He folded it into a thick triangle and felt proud of himself. He made another one just in case Nebula wanted to play.

Nebula shyly approached Tony, looking around cluelessly. She sat opposite of Tony and looked at him curiously. Tony formed a sort of goal with his hands and gave the paper triangle to Nebula.

"Basically, you flick the paper towards my goal. Three rounds, alright?"

"I am unfamiliar on how to flick this paper." Nebula stated, holding the paper in the air.

"Look I'll show it." Tony said. "Also, make this position."

Nebula followed Tony's hand positions and waited for him to attack. Tony flicked the paper towards Nebula, who aggressively slapped it out of the air. Tony reacted by also putting his hands up. He pointed at her.

"You don't need to do that." Tony said. "Because uh... you're just holding the position."

Nebula nodded. She grabbed the paper triangle and flicked it just like Tony. It hit Tony's right arm and fell out of Tony's goal.

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