She stopped walking as it started to snow and looked up at the sky. All she did was smile and I couldn't help but to smile too. Snow melted so quickly as it hit her caramel colored skin. I loved her smile she was just so beautiful. I'd do anything to make her smile like that forever. This girl made me weak with just a smile. I don't think I've loved anyone this much in my life. My father would say I am weak for giving a woman so much power over me. He would never get that she just took it all with that perfect smile of hers.

(Back to Raina's POV)

After that day we were always together and we were seriously dating. Almost every night we slept together. Months went by and my mom finally sighed divorce papers. B, he was there for us. The more B was around the more he grew on my family. I was falling in love with him so quickly. It was just taking time for us to tell each other though. That's just me assuming he loved me too though.

Spring seem to come so quickly. The warm weather was nice though. B and I went on a picnic at the waterfall. The flowers has bloomed and it's was so pretty. We took pictures for ourselves. I loved the memories we were making.

"I'm leaving for Easter vacation," B said.

"Going to see your dad?" I asked.


"I guess I could actually hang out with my friends alone," I chuckled.

"It's just a week."

"I'll be okay."

"I kinda wish I could take you with me."

"Thought you didn't want me to meet your dad?"

"I don't but I would love to show you New York."

"My mom would never be okay with that."

"Yeah you're right. We'll have this summer."

He pecked my lips and smiled. We were so stuck on each other this break will be good for us. B grabbed a slice of pizza and ate . I joined in due to the smell of the pizza made me so hungry.

My phone alarm went off and we had to pack up our picnic. We darted out the woods to the car. Then B drove us to Jeremy's soccer game. When we got there the game was just beginning. My mom and Mrs.Rollins were waiting for us. We joined them and cheered on Jeremy. I was over excited when he made the first goal of the game. I screamed so loudly and got some looks.

Everything felt normal and happy for a moment. Then I looked across field and saw my father with Mrs.Matthews. I immediately told B discreetly as I pulled him to the side.

"My dads right across," I whispered to him.

"You have to tell your mom," he whispered.

"I don't know how she's gonna act. We haven't seen him in months."

"She gonna see him for herself babe."

"You're right."

I went over back over and made my way between them. I waited after two more scores.

"What's up Rain?" Mom asked.

"Dads right across from us with Mrs.Matthews," I said in a low tone.

I watched my moms face . She took a deep breath and looked. Mrs. Rollins had started making her way around the field. It took a second and then we noticed. Mom and I ran after her. She went up to my father said something and smacked him. Many people started to stare so we took her back to where we were standing.

"What did you say?" Mom asked.

"Nobody hurts my bestfriend," She said beginning to cry.

Like I've said many times before. Mrs.Rollins is my moms bestfriend. My mom hugged her tightly and B squeezed my hand. He pulled me to him as we stood behind them.

Jeremy scored which had drawn everyone's attention. We all jumped and hollered like idiots for him. I looked over and saw my father rubbing his face. He deserved it for what he did so I chuckled under my breathe.

Jeremy's team won so he went with his team to celebrate. Mom and Mrs.Rollins followed behind him. B and I walked to his car. He opened my door for me and my father called for me. I turned around as he came up to me with her standing behind.

"Raina," he said.

"What do you want?"

"You're still my daughter."

"No, no I'm not. You left our family for months for that."

"I wasn't happy."

"You were also a fucking drunk half the time. Look I don't care about your excuses of why. Mom is ten times the woman she would ever be."

"Don't talk to your father that way or about me," she said stepping in front of him.

I stepped forward in front of her. I looked her up and down. Then I just slapped her and you could hear it. Next thing I know B had picked me up and she was holding her face.

"I'll talk to my father however the hell I want bitch!" I yelled as he put me in the car.

B got me out of there so quickly. I tried to calm down on the ride to his house. He went into see his mom and get clothes. I hope you guys didn't forget about his bodyguards they still follow us but they are super good a keeping their distance. They pulled up behind the car. Dylan was the younger security/bodyguard he was a year older than me. He got out and walked to my window.

"Why are you out here alone?" He asked.

"Didn't want to leave the car yet." I replied.

"We saw what happened. Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay."

"I think you left a mark," he chuckled.

I busted out giggling at his comment. Then B came out the house. Dylan lead off the car. He came over and opened my door.

"Come on ," B said to me.


"Raina get your ass in the house," B demanded.

I got out car and immediately started walking home. I was more angry who did he think he was talking to me like that.

"Stay the hell away from my girlfriend Dylan," I heard B say before running after me.

He caught up to me and tried to stop me. I shook his hand off and we stopped walking.

"Leave me alone B I'm going home."

"Will you talk to me first please."

"I don't want to talk to you."


I walked home alone kinda B had his other bodyguard to follow me.

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