Chapter 4

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I texted B and told him to get dressed. Then I hopped in the shower then got ready. Parties you would think are not my thing so wrong. I love them and I'm the life of the party literally. My anxiety disappears after a few drinks.

I wet my hair so it curled up more and put on a silk black dress that had a opened back. I wore my black heels that I had to tie around my ankles. I put on burgundy lipstick to finish it off.

B came to my house to get me. I heard him knocking. I grabbed my phone and purse. My mom opened the door . I could hear them talking so I came down the steps. B looked at me and his mouth dropped.

"Woah," he said.

"Thanks," I chuckled.

"Have fun at your party Raina. Nice to meet you B. " Mom said as we left out.

"Later mom."

We walked to the party it was a dark outside.

"You look so different."

"Yeah I know everybody likes party Rain more than Raina artsy no body."

"Don't get me wrong you look really good but I just want to know and see who you really are."

I smiled and started to blush so, I looked down as we walked.

"I'm not sure I know who I am."

"How come?"

"Look at my life. I know I love art but I crave more then my canvases. All I see is the small town maybe I'm too worried about being out there that I forgot to check who I am and what I'm doing & what I want to do."

" Well right now just breathe. I haven't partied in months been dealing with a lot personally. How about tonight we be young and dumb let's forget everything."

"Oh boy they're going to have so much to talk about Monday. Deal ."

    We shook on it and kept on walking. Lacey's house was bigger than mine. You could hear the music from down the street . B and I walked up to the house. I held his hand and pulled him through the party with me to the kitchen. I let go of B's hard and walked up to Tyler

"Ty Im here."

"You look amazing Rain." Tyler said.

"Awe thanks," I said as I hugged him.

"What's your poison tonight?"

"Anything strong and dark. Two cups of it."

"One for you B?"

" Yeah."

Tyler made our drinks for us. B and I cheers then downed them. Then we did two shot a piece.

"Let's go dance." I suggested.


I took his hand and took him into the living room where everyone was dancing. I was a little buzzed already. I danced with B then I was dancing on him. He wasn't a bad dancer at all.

We split up he mingled with people and I went out back. I saw Lacey with Ryan by the pool. I walked over to them and looked at Ryan.

"You showed ." Lacey said.

"Duhh don't I always come."

"You been disappearing lately who knows."

"You guys are mad for what? I been disappearing for personal reasons."

"Whatever Raina."

I looked at Ryan and he wouldn't look me.

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