"No, I think we shou—" Craig started before I chimed in.

"No, we should take this room," I told him, "You and Kevin can have the masters."

"Now he's just flexing on us," Clyde pouted.

"Where am I gonna sleep?" Token questioned.


Token let out a 'tsk' before pulling his luggage out the door and down the stairway. Clyde and Kevin pulled their luggage out as well, leaving Craig and me alone.

"Why couldn't we have taken the masters?" Craig whined solemnly.

"Wait for it," I smugly answered. Half a minute later, Clyde burst into the room again. Angrily huffing and bolting towards us.

"Why didn't you tell me the Master's was smaller than your room?" Clyde groused.

"Because we need room for Neptune and ourselves and you seemed perfectly fine with taking the 'masters,'" I air quoted. Clyde huffed and left the room like an angry three-year-old.

"I want to go talk to Jack," I stated randomly.

"Wha— Why?" Craig questioned, a skeptical yet playful look gracing his face.

"I need to. I'm so curious. I just want to know what happened to him ever since I left," I replied bluntly.

"You promise you won't go with him?" Craig asked me solemnly. I slapped his arm.

"You know I would never do that. Don't say that," I scolded.

"Okay, fine, I'll be waiting," he kissed my cheek, and I began walking to the door. Right before I reached for the handle, Craig added, "I love you."

I froze, my hand resting on the handle as I slowly turned around again. "Pardon?"

Craig's face went red, "I realized it when you scolded me. Clyde and Token pointed out how I would have never gone quiet if they tried to scold me, and I just thought to myself, you listen to the ones you love. I love you." I never felt so blank yet so colourful at the same time.

"I- I love you, too, " I told him, running over and jumping onto his lap, "I- I really love you."

"Now, remember to kill him if he hits you, Babe." I slapped him on the arm again.

I blew him a kiss at the door and hastily made it over to Jack's. Earning a few questioning looks from Token as I passed him.

I knocked on the door, earning a 'Coming!' from inside in Jack's voice.

He opened the door and scratched his neck awkwardly, "Oh, uh, hi twitch." I rolled my eyes and pushed past him, settling at the dining table.

"What was that all about, Tucker?" I spat at him.

"What was what all abo—"

"Don't play dumb."

"Fucking hell, Tweek, you have no idea. I've had a crush on you for the longest fucking time. Everything about you was so perfect to me, the colour of your hair, the shape of your nose, your freckles, your panicked personality, the way you cared about everyone even though they didn't care for you. You were perfect, but I just— I didn't want to lose my reputation, so when you came out to me, I just, I decided I couldn't hang around you anymore. I didn't realize I had a crush until you were gone, and it made me go crazy," he confessed, "Can't you understand? I want you to be mine."

This time, it was my turn to be dumbfounded. I was quiet for what felt like an eternity, replaying the scene in my head a thousand times as Jack studied me. Finally, I spoke, "And even if I said yes then what? I break up with my fucking perfect boyfriend who loves me and would never hurt me, abandon my amazing friends that accepted me for who I am from the very start, and my loving parents who support me through everything, drop everything, and run away with you to some fucking random state where we become homeless because you don't want to be called a fag? Then what? We die of starvation together like some fucked up love story that shouldn't have happened in the first place?" I ranted bitterly raising my voice at him.

He was quiet for a while, staring blankly with hints of frustration glazing over his eyes. "I don't need to take this from a fucking midget who can't stay still or go without screaming for over 5 minutes."

"Yet, I haven't screamed in the past four weeks, and you're the one that confessed to me. Was that really your best response? You're not helping your case. Also, haven't you considered you're just freakishly tall? You're taller than Craig, and he's a fucking gia—"

That's when Jack attempted to swing at me. I grabbed his nose-aiming arm before it graced my face with a jolt of pain. "The days where you hurt me are over, Jack. Please leave me, my friends, my family, and my boyfriend alone."

I stood from the table, pushing in my chair, and turned to leave as I kept a dumbfounded brunette in view over my shoulder. I left the house.


A/N: I'm actually on a plane right now. I'm thinking about ending the book with a epilogue next chapter. I need more opinions. Please tell me yours. Leave a vote? Have a wonderful day and don't do anything really stupid.

A/N revision: As of December 16th of 2019, I have decided to discontinue this book and leave the rest of their story up to your imaginations. If I ever were to create a second book in addition to this one, I would leave a note that would tell a potential reader that I did so that they can read to the end of their story. However, as i've been sitting on this epilogue and rewriting it for almost two years, I've decided it would be best for me and for the sake of your time as a reader to end the book with ambiguity. I hope you enjoyed the story and that you may consider following me as I do have ideas for other stories that have been in the works for a while. As always, Have a wonderful day and don't do anything really stupid.

~Beru <3

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