Chapter 1

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Truth be told, I didn't fear death. 

That is, until I died. 

Now, I'm not so sure. What happens to Angels when they die? Is there an after-Afterlife? Is that a thing? I think I wasn't afraid of death as a human simply because I believed in some sort of Afterlife, so I knew I wasn't facing oblivion. But now that I'm an Angel, I don't know what happens to me when I die. Neither does anyone else, really. It's unsettling. 

So I'll keep you updated on how I feel about death as I figure that out. 

Right now, I'm afraid of Allison making me jump of a cliff again. She said something along the lines of 'think of it as the way baby birds learn how to fly, just on a bigger scale'. 


I didn't particularly like the first time I fell of this cliff, and even then, Grey saved me, so I was cool with it. But now- nope. I can't even get my wings to come out, and she thinks that forcing me to jump off a cliff is going to make them come out? No. That's just stupid. I'm going to fall into that freezing cold water and snap my neck on a rock. 

"You've been trying to get your wings out for days, Jo. Obviously what we're doing isn't working. We've gotta try something else," she sat on the sofa next to me while I held my head in my hands. We'd been arguing about this for the last 20 minutes. Allison had been killed by Lucifer in order to lure me out of hiding, and she chose to try to become an Angel after passing on. She had made it through the Hellfire, which is how souls were purified and transformed into either Angelic or Demonic beings, and became one of Heaven's Angels. Unfortunately for me, her first task was to help me figure out how to re-Pledge my soul to Heaven whilst keeping me safe from Hell. 

I'd sent Hell into a rage after I'd outwitted Lucifer. 

Still proud of myself for that, by the way. 

"Throwing me off a cliff is not the answer, Al. When is throwing me off a cliff ever the answer?" I asked exasperatedly. Allison tilted her head to the side teasingly, as if she were thinking of a good reason. I narrowed my eyes at her and she rolled her eyes. 

"Come on. A fall can't kill an Angel. And adrenaline is a proven way to force your wings out," she nudged me. 

"You're insane. This is it. You've officially gone insane," I mumbled, standing up and pacing back and forth. 

"What if I don't even have wings? What if Pledging to Grey left me wingless?" I folded my arms, raising an eyebrow at her. She rolled her eyes at me. 

"You have wing scars on your back. You know you have wings. You're just afraid of what they're going to look like," she sat back on the couch, her deep blue eyes watching me knowingly. It was scary how well she knew me. 

"That's a reasonable fear," I retorted in frustration. I didn't want them to come out black. If they came out black, that meant I was born a Demon and would have to serve Hell in the Reckoning. It also meant that I hadn't outsmarted Lucifer at all. The gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach had me second guessing whether or not I'd truly succeeded at all. 

"You Pledged to Grey. Hell is in an uproar. Heaven wants to help. You know all of this. Otherwise, both Heaven and Hell would know what you'd chosen," she sighed, flicking her golden locks over her shoulder. It was easy for her to say. She had chosen Heaven. There had been no cheating in the pursuing of her soul. She was given a free choice. And now she had pearly white wings. 

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous. 

What I would give for elegant white wings. A symbol of the purity of my soul and the fact that I had chosen good over evil. But I knew it was incredibly unlikely. I'd Pledged to a Fallen. I was either coming out with grey wings or black. 

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