Chapter 16

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Ezra left my hand and I saw the red marks on it. He held me so harshly what is wrong with him? "Why is this still not filed properly Miss Adams? " he asked harshly. "I...I was going to sir after the lunch" I said.

"I don't pay you to slack Miss Adams when I handle you a work I expect you to complete it not leave it in middle. You had only half an hour of Lunch break and you are returning after one hour" he spat.

How could I know? You never told me anything about my break hour. "Bring me a coffee " he barked. I nodded. I made his coffee yet again lots of emotions rushing inside me. I walked up and knocked at his cabin. He mumbled a small come in. I handed him his coffee. He did the same as he did in morning.

"Is there anything I need to do sir or else I would return to my work" I asked politely." He looked up at me sharply. "Do you remember what I told you?" He asked. "Yes sir each and every word." I said. "And yet you dare to defy me" He said. "I didn't know sir." I said softly. "You didn't asked me too Miss Adams only if you had followed me in that lift I would have told you regarding your break hour." He said.

" Its was my fault sir it will not happen again" I said. "Good now that was clear Miss Adams you may go." I didn't stopped any moment there instead I just walked out of the cabin and into mine decided myself to busy with my work. It will distract me. It was good that I have not yet summoned. I looked at the clock as I filed the last file and Arranged it in cabinet.

It was almost six in evening way past my time of work. I heard my phone ring. "Hey" It was James. "Are you done yet?" He asked. "Just finished the last file why?" I asked picking my bag. "we are going for few drinks want to come?" He asked. "Not Today James I am awfully tired." I said. "It's ok Senorita I understand we will go maybe some other time?" He asked. "Yes I will " I said. "By the way do you need lift home?" He asked. "No I will catch a cab" I said. "Nonsense I will drop you home then head out from there" He said. "ok" I said cutting the call.

I walked towards boss's cabin and found it empty. I fumed he didn't even tried to inform me that he was leaving? He thinks I am a property a slave who will follow his every command? Enough of it. I walked down and met with James. "Hey" I greeted. "Hey" He said smiling. "Where are the others?" I asked. "They already reached our destination" Her said. "They why are you standing here?"I asked. "Thought you could use the lift." He said scratching back of his neck.

He lead me to his car and suddenly another car stopped in front of me. Ezra's chuffer walked out. I was not surprised. "Miss Adams Mr. Olyphant told me to escort you to your apartment" He said. Poor guy. "No need to Joshua I will ride with James here." I said he looked afraid for some reason. "It's ok Joshua go home I will tell Mr. Olyphant that I had dismissed you" I said.

James looked at me amused. "Seems like boss cares for her new secretary too much. "Not much that I have to follow his commands" I said and James smiled. "Come on Senorita" he said and I got inside the front seat with him. He made me laugh all the way to my apartment. "Here?" he asked. "Yes" I said. "You live in the building same as boss?" He asked. "Sadly yes" I said. He chuckled in response.

"call me if you need anything" he said before driving off. I made my way up to the pent house suit. Time to be his bed warmer. The thought made me cringe for some reason. I pressed the button and waited for the arrival of top most floor. I walked out of the lift and inside the main room. I didn't saw him around.

Then I saw a red sandle discarded in front of his room. I didn't bother to knock at his door knowing the situation he would be in. He emerged suddenly from another corridor with a half naked women in his lap. Good god. His eyes met mine and he looked shocked. I didn't said anything just got inside my room and locked it. He was right I did needed this room.

I called James and he picked up. "hey James where are you?" He asked. "Heading to club why?" He asked. "Doesn't matter." I said.. "Are you alright Senorita?" He asked. "yes I am good." I cut the call and thought about where I can go maybe back to my apartment. Then She will question me. And maybe it will not turn out to be good.

I just wanted to get out of here, so I threw a pair of jeans and comfy t-shirt and took my purse and mobile walking out of the door not even bothering to wait for him. I walked downstairs and took the first bus I saw. I don't know where am I going. I don't know what I will do. I just want to get out of his presence.

I left on the last stop of the bus and started walking towards an unknown destination. But somehow I felt I knew this place. It is somewhere I came before. Then I recognize the buildings. Yes it was where the Ezra took me his lawyer's office. His name left a bitter taste in my mouth. I hate him so much.

I saw some lights and decided to follow it. I heard calming music and walked further into that street hoping to find some peace and a place to stay away from Ezra. Somewhere he can never found me.

I doubted that he will ever try to reach me after this. I saw my phone and shied. No calls yet good. I don't want to attend his calls, It was such a depressing day. And I want nothing but a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows.

I somehow reached in front of familiar door and watched a familiar person who looked at me in surprise. How on this earth I ended up here again?

Word Count: 1105 words

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