Chapter 22

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I woke up in an empty bed. It had became habit of mine since that day he stopped talking to me. I do live with him. Yes I am still taking care of him because being the king of stubborn he is it isn't surprising that he had been grumpy all day long. And tried to drink on one or two occasion but I did caught him.

I shied and made my way to kitchen. I am still his live in maid. It was not surprising to see girls cloths littered all over the place. Someone had a good time last night. I shied again. I need to find a new hobby rather than looking after this brute or this will be my last Job which will turn my hairs grey with worry.

I made breakfast for high and mighty and his whoever it is. I then looked at his schedule and arranged the conference call with all the heads of the department. He has been on bed for more than two weeks because he tried to get drunk again and had to go to hospital. Serves him right for not taking care of himself.

I knocked on his door and he mumbled a small come in. "Sir your breakfast is ready and serve and I have made some for madam too." I hate calling his mistresses madam but i was one too. He didn't touched me or kissed me for these three weeks. And honestly I don't know what to feel whether to be happy or to throw a hissy fit that love of my life doesn't care for me anymore.

Yes I love him. How can I not? I saw the man behind everything. I saw what he is in reality and then I saw his cold self and his possessive self and every other face that he ever had shown me. I walked back to my room that same one he had given me when I first come here and I sat on the bed surrounded by stuffed toys. I pulled out my laptop curtsy of Mr. Olyphant.

He walked out naked I saw his back side and cannot help but admire his broad shoulder and sculpted back. He turned around and I looked on my laptop or pretended to look at it. I looked up again and found him nowhere. Then someone said from behind me "looking for something?" I snapped my head and saw a pair of hazel eyes looking at me .

"N...Nothing Si..sir" I said. "You know when you nervous or you lie you start to shutter badly Little one." He said. He was still naked stark naked. I licked my dry lips nervously. His eyes turned darker and he pulled my lower lip away from my teeth.

"Only I can bite that lip Rosa." My breath hitched at his words. He caressed my neck pulling down my dress exposing my skin to him. "S...Sir w...we a..are n..not a..alone." I was shuttering badly and his proximity is killing me . Don't do this please.

"That is what makes it more fun baby" He said kissing my neck. He closed my laptop and put it on the table. Then he locked the door. "W...what are you..." "Shhh... Not a word baby. Today I want to love you. I want to love you all day tomorrow we will go out for a date what do you say. I never officially introduced you as my girlfriend. And everyone thought that they can take you away from me. Little did they know that I am not letting you go. Not now not ever."

"S...Sir have a g..guest and a me..meeting in h...hour." I said. "I will do it from the bed while Loving you at the same time. I deserve some alone time with my girl don't you think?" He asked.

"B...but T...the girl..." He cut me off again."No girl just you. No one just you..." And then he placed his lips on mine. As if someone had made me touched a nude wire. I felt alive with his every touch.

"You are mine Rosa." He said tugging the locks of my hair. "N...No I...I am... Ahhh" I cried as he pinched my nipples from my thin shirt. "Mine" He said again. "Mine to cherish, Mine to take, Mine to hold, Mine to Kiss, Mine to touch." He said with every kiss he gave me.

"No I am not yours" I said without shuttering. "You are wrong again Rosa you were mine, you agreed to be mine even before you signed that contract. You agreed to be mine when you have given yourself to me willingly. You have given your everything to me willingly." He unbuttoned my shirt exposing me to his hungry eyes.

"No I am not yours and you are not mine I am just a highly paid girl who is only here for your money." I said bitterly pulling his hands away from my body. "That you are in a sense Girl But I don't fucking care. I can't fucking see you with anyone else don't you get that. My blood boils when Lucian holds you like that. No one should ever hold you like that just me." He said possessively.

"As your what you want to keep me?" I asked. He pulled me to him again. And this time he pulled the remaining cloths from my body yanking it harshly. "I can tell you that after I had done having my wicked way with you." He smiled Shoving me down on the bed and pushing my knees up parting my legs. "No please don't do it" His eyes were ablaze and his jaw was clench and he was looking me with murderous expression.

"You like when someone other than me do this to you Yes?" He asked as he circled my clit. "Answer me" He asked hitting me there. "I cried out . "Please sir don't " I begged. "Why? It is still not six months yet I have five left to be with you. And I will use them wisely." He said with a sinister tone in his voice.

Then he bend down And captured my lips slamming himself into me hard. I cried as I was overwhelmed. "Shhh... don't make a sound baby we have a guest and we don't everyone to know what a dirty girl my secretary really is do I?" I cried and let him do whatever he liked closing my eyes to everything.

Word Count: 1087 words

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