Chapter 3

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"Are you sure you have to go so soon?" My mother asked. "I am sorry mom I too thought I could stay but my college informed that we need to be interviewed for the internship program I applied for. I hope I get it. It is one in million chance" I said. "Ok dear call me once it is over and see if you can spend few days here before starting" I nodded.

"I will see if I can mom no promises though." I said hugged her tightly. The phone call came after two weeks of me being here. I couldn't believe it. I was c cursing my luck just when I thought I can spend some quality time with my mother. I walked inside the boarding gate to show my ticket.

Once I was sat inside I saw the little drops of rain falling on the runway. I turned on the iPod and started to listen to music. The plane took off from Ottawa as I said a silent good bye to my home. Back to the hustle bustle of the big Apple . I cannot wait to get the job and then take better care of my mom maybe just maybe make her agree on dating again.

The gloomy weather of Canada had been flown with me as whole New York City had been caught in the downpour. I hurried with my luggage and caught a Taxi just in time it started to pour. I cannot wait to go to my apartment and sleep. I Doubt Myra was coming on such a short notice but I do like to see my bestie by my side.

I shied putting my head against the glass of the window. It is such a monotonus life I live nothing for an adventure, nothing new. I looked at the familiar streets as they passed by. I saw the Cafe I work into. Soon I will be no longer working for it and I will have enough for a better home where I can take my mother to so she can live in peace.

I walked inside the apartment building. It was nice two bedroom apartment I got in a fair price . Myra is the owner and rented it out. So I got it in a nice deal. I only have to cook our meals because Myra cannot cook even if her life depends on it. My keys jingled as I opened the door.

All I needed now is to freshen up and cook myself something. And then I can sleep for the day. I am dead tired. But Inside I was nervous too. There will be girls there who are much more talented then myself. The thought was scary enough how am I going to get selected?

I hissed as i accidently touched the hot pan. Me and my clumsiness. Someday I am going to die because of it. I took my plate of salad and walked to the couch. Hmmm nice reruns of Castle. I watched as I ate. The serenity was back in my life once again.

It was almost ten when I got into bed. And surprisingly a handsome face with dark eyes were smirking at me whole night in my nightmare . Maybe this was sign that something bad is going to happen and maybe I should have just paid a little good attention to what was going on my surrounding.

I woke up dead tired because of Lack of sleep last night. I watched the bags underneath my eyes. Damn I look like a racoon. I looked at the watch and I groaned in frustration. I am late for the interview there is no way I can reach there on time. "I am so screwed" I said myself as i pulled the only professional outfit I own.

I pulled my hair in messy bun and preyed that I look presentable enough. I took my coat and file and ran out of my place. Damn I hate running in heels and I cannot actually wear sneakers in the office can I? Violate the dress code or something. I shrugged as I hailed a cab.

I managed to spare five minutes on the ride so as soon as I paid i ran inside the building stopping at the front desk. "I am here for the internship interview" I said. "Leave your file here miss and go to the twentieth floor." She instructed and I nodded, I made my way to the crowded elevatoe as i looked at the time damn three minutes now. I saw the stairs and ran up.

By the time i reached there I was no longer presentable. I was looking like a racoon again twenty floor in heels is not good idea.

I asked for the rest room. I washed my face quickly applied little make up and tried to arrange my hairs as much as I can. Not good enough but there is nothing I can do now. This have to do.

I walked out and sat beside the other beautiful looking girls. Some are the nicely dressed than the others but all are dressed better than me. My heart sunk in the bottom of my stomach. There is no way an average looking girl like me can get this internship. No way.

I heard the name calls and one by one the girls went in. They spend good fifteen minutes inside. I was the last one to arrive. I sat there getting nervous as the girls came outside maintaining their neutral faces. They are good in hiding emotions a trait which is appreciable in our field.

I saw as the girl in front of me went in. She was beautiful with wavy blond hairs and a personality that I can die for she is definitely getting the job if not for her grades than for her looks.

I preyed that My time will come soon and I can go back to my apartment happy with the job or to my mother happy that I didn't got it.

I saw her come out and her eyes met mine she gave me a sad smile. I almost cringed at it. "Rose Adams." I was called. I walked towards the door moment of truth Rosa. I entered inside and met with a set of very familiar dark eyes, And at that moment I forgot how to breathe,


we both said simultaneously.

Word Count: 1072 words

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