We can't Win

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Disclaimer: I don't own Supergirl, the Flash, or Arrow.


My eyes light up and I take a step forwards to show them I'm for real. I hear my mother gasp and it breaks my heart, again.

"Nora, we can't win. Do it." I say, knowing full well they can hear us. I tell her this, while nodding my head towards the door. I hope she can tell I told her to grab Oliver and Felicity. She nods and runs off. Barry goes to run after her, but I'm already in front of the door. Before he can phase through, I punch him in the face. Hard. I knock him and he falls to the floor unconscious.

"I hope one day you'll understand why we did this." I say to them.

Nora comes back to help me fight them, after breaching them to earth-38 and taking them to our secret place that only Noah, Nora, and I know about. She looks over at her dad, and takes a deep breath. This is hard for her to.

Nora speeds off to fight aunt Alex and uncle Clark. 

I stare at my parents for a second then turn invisible. I see their shocked faces. Since I'm a Daxtonian, I have both Kryptonian's and Daxamite's powers, plus a few more. 

I can see my mom goes to use her superhearing so I try to fly quietly over to them. 

"Mon-El, lookout!" Kara says, listening to where I am.

I go to punch dad, but he ducks down. I then knee him in the stomach. He doubles over in pain.

My mother uses her freeze breath and freezes me to see where I am. She punches me in the face and I go flying back to hit the wall. I make myself appear again and speed over to punch my mom but she blocks it. 

By now, my dad has recovered and he grabs my arm and pins it behind my back. With my other arm, I elbow him in the stomach.  My dad recovers again and punches me in the face. I fall to the floor. I turn to look at my parents to see angry looks on their faces. It makes me upset to know that I am the source of their anger. But then I think about why I am doing this in the first place. For my boyfriend. For the guy I love. He would do the same for me. 

With this new motivation, I take my hands together and clap them together. My mom told me about that move a couple of times. 

Everyone clasps their heads and stand in shock. My father quickly recovers though and he speeds over to me and grabs both of my arms. My mom takes one of my arms from my dad and they hold me firmly. 

I look over to see Nora not doing so well, either.

"Run Nora, run! Finish the mission!" I yell to her.

She gives me a concerned look, but runs off nonetheless. 

I look over to see my dad and the last thing I see, is his fist hitting my face.


Mara told me to run to our secret place to finish the mission, but I feel so guilty for leaving my best friend behind. I run to see Oliver and Felicity out of their restraints and making out.

"Oh my God! You two worked it out!" I say happily.

"Yeah, we actually worked it out back at the Arrow Cave." Oliver tells me.

"Are you kidding me! That fight could've been avoided!" I yell at them.

"Now Mara is probably locked in the DEO, being interrogated as we speak!" I continue to yell at them.

"I'm sorry about your friend, but you had no right to kidnap us and lock us in a room together!" Oliver yells at me.

I'm gonna tell them. Now that they worked it out, it should be fine, right?

"Mara and I did this to save your future son." I tell them.

"What!" Felicity yells.

"You two had a fight and the timeline changed, so Mara and I got you two back together to save your son, Noah." 

"We have a son?" Felicity asks Oliver in a stunned state.

Oliver smiles and kisses Felicity on the cheek. 

His smile disappears. "Is he safe now?" He asks worriedly.

"I think so. But please, will you help me rescue Mara from our parents? She means so much to your son. They're dating and they love each other. We've both known Noah since we were born." I tell them.

Oliver and Felicity take this information in and nod their heads.

"Great! But we're going to need some help."

Note: I'm sorry, I feel like this chapter isn't that good. I'm terrible with writing fight scenes. I hope you find the next chapter to be better and I hope you are enjoying reading the book. I appreciate all the reads, votes, and comments. They make my day. Thank you for reading.

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