For Noah

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Disclaimer: I do not own Supergirl, the Flash, or Arrow.

Notes: Oliver has not been discovered as the Green Arrow yet.


After Nora and I breached to earth-1, we landed in an ally in Star City. We couldn't go to Star Labs because that would be too obvious. Aunt Alex definitely told my mom and dad, so no doubt they are right behind us.

"Come on! We have to find Oliver and Felicity." I tell Nora.

"Well, how are we gonna do that?" She asks me.

"We have to break into the arrow cave." I tell her.

"Great. That's just great Mara. Let's just go." Nora says.

"Hey, I'm not looking forward to this either, but it's the only way I can think of. I don't see you pitching any ideas out there!" I tell her.

"No, it's a good idea, if we want to die." She says.

"Oh come on, you know I can't die easily and you're really fast. How hard can this be?" I ask her.

-Time Jump, Arrow Cave-

Nora and I managed to sneak into the cave without being seen. And felicity is here, but with John. Grife.

"Alright Nora, can you distract John if this goes bad?" I whisper to her.

"Yeah, just fix the problem. I'll do whatever it takes to get our friend back." Nora tells me.

"Ok. Here goes nothing." I say and take a deep breath.

Nora and I walk out of our hiding spot and out into the open.

John takes out his gun and points it at us. We don't flinch at all.

"Who are you! How did you get in here?" John yells at us.

"John, look-" I start but am interrupted by him.

"How the hell do you know my name!" He yells at us.

"John! Calm down! They're young, they must have found this place by mistake!" Felicity tells him.

"No, we knew where this place was." Nora says.

"And we know you are Felicity Smoak, Oliver Queen's, or the Green Arrow's ex girlfriend and the tech for team Arrow." I say to them.

"How do you know that!" She asks terrified.

"Because, I'm Kara Danvers and Mon-El's daughter. I know you know my mom, but you might not know my dad yet. And this is my friend Nora, Barry Allen and Iris West-Allen's daughter. We're here to stop something terrible from happening. We need your help." I tell them.

"How do we know you're not lying?" John asks.

"Wait, we have Barry's DNA. We can take Nora's DNA to see if they're telling the truth." Felicity says.

"Wait, why do we have Barry's DNA?" John asks.

"Well, you know....I was interested in his genetic makeup...I mean his cells changed since he was struck by lightning." Felicity says sheepishly.

"Okay then...." I say awkwardly.

-Time Jump-

"Okay so you are Barry's daughter. This is officially creepy. I mean we've been through weird things but this is really weird and where is Barry? Does he know and if you're Kara's daughter where is she? And who is Mon-El? Where are-"

"Aunt Felicity! Please calm down." I tell her.

"Aunt? Okay this is getting weirder by the minute..." Felicity says.

"I blame Barry." John says looking stunned at the new revelations.

"Wait, why are you here?" Felicity asks us.

"We need your help to save the world." Nora lies.

"People we love are in danger. People you love are in danger. Please help us." I beg her.

She stares at us for a second and finally answers us.

"Fine. I'll call Oliver." She says while sighing.

-Time Jump-

Oliver and Felicity just stare at each other when they think the other's not looking. It's getting sad. Suddenly, I get an idea.

"Ooh what's in there?" I ask gesturing to a room that I know locks. I pull Oliver and Felicity along with me and push them into the room and lock the door.

I hear them banging on the door and cursing at me.

"Oh well. They'll thank me when they realize what we did for them." I mutter.

"Seriously? That was your idea! Lock them in a room and hope they work things out? That only works in movies!" Nora yells at me.

"Hey! Those are good movies! And you never know, they could work it out." I say, defending myself.

"Hey! What's going on in there! Why did you lock them in that room?" He shouts at us and goes to unlock the door.

I grab his wrist before he can unlock the door and speed him to another room and lock the door.

"Sorry John!" I yell.

"Oh I feel terrible for doing that, but it has to be done to save Noah." I say.

"I know, but it's for the greater good."

"You girls are in so much trouble."

Nora and I go pale and we turn around to see my parents, uncle Clark, aunt Alex, and uncle Barry.

"Grife." I mutter.

"Yeah, "grife" is right." My dad says to me.

"Help! Let me out!" John yells loudly.

"Girls! Let us out!" Oliver and Felicity yell.

My parents, aunt, and uncles look at Nora and me with disbelief. Barry speeds over to unlock the door but I punch him in the chest with decreased strength.

Barry goes flying across the room and falls onto the floor.

"I'm sorry uncle Barry, but there's no way in hell, anyone is letting anyone out of those rooms." I tell them. There's no way anyone is preventing me from saving my boyfriend.

"Mara, Nora please. Don't make us fight. Tell us what's going on. I'm sure you have a good reason for this." My mom says.

"We can't tell you or else the original timeline might be ruined. We're trying to save it." I say.

"Go away. You're ruining our chances at saving it!" Nora yells at them.

"We're not leaving until you two let them out."

"That's not happening." I say whiling taking a step forward.

"We'll fight you if we have to." Nora says.

I look to see the shocked and hurt faces on my parents and it breaks my heart. But I have to do this. For Noah.

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