Do I want......

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Monday Night Raw

I walked down the ramp as my music played, with the crowd cheering loudly for me. That's surprising, seeing as I eliminated their favourite, Daniel Bryan, last night.

I smirked at the crowd as I received a microphone.

"Is this supposed to be you thanking Me? Is this supposed to be you acknowledging my victory? No. This can't be it. Cause THIS isn't good enough" I sneered.

They instantly started to boo.

"Awwwww boohoo. Save it for someone who cares. You're all so ungrateful and unworthy. I am the first woman to ever win the royal rumble and this is how you treat Me?" I asked.

Stephanie's music plays and the crowd boo's some more.

She walked out staring at me with u crooked smile on her face.

"Nicki, congratulations on your victory last night. Though, I wouldn't call it a victory seeing as you didn't actually do anything." She smirked.

The crowd cheered and laughed in agreement to her statement.

I hissed my teeth and glared at her, "My dear sweet mother, a victory is still a victory. Whether controversial or not. I WON last night. I didn't need any help and I certainly didn't ask for it. So you can say or do whatever you want, I know the facts."

Stephanie slightly laughed and shook her head at me."Well Nicki, if you're so factual then why are you getting so worked up over this?"

Just then, the Shield's music began to blare throughout the arena.

Dean Ambrose, all by himself, slowly began to descend the stairs.

"Stephanie, is there a problem here? Is this brat giving you problems? If so, I can fix 'em within the blink of an eye" Dean said darkly in the mic as he reached the bottom of the staircase.

I then started laughing extremely loud in the mic, adding alot of dramatic effect.

"WOW Dean! That's a cute little fantasy you got there. Too bad for you because that's all it will ever be. A fanatasy" I smirked at him.

Dean swiftly got into the ring and pinned me in a corner.

He quietly and quickly whispered in my ear, "Don't make me do this. You have no idea how hard I wanna fuck you right now"

I widened my eyes in complete shock and grabbed the bulge in his pants.

He loosened his grip on me and moaned loudly but then stopped when he realised my intentions.

I squeezed his balls as hard as I could then kicked him in them.

I hurriedly left the ring in complete shock, I have no idea what came over me. Do I want him? No. Do I actually want all of them? Most likely. Ugh I'm getting a headache.

"NICKI!" I heard my dad yelling my name.

I turned to see him running to me from down the hall, "Yessss?"

Without saying anything, he grabbed my arm and dragged me to a lonely locker room.

"What the hell was that? Grabbing a man's nuts on live television? ARE YOU CRAZY! Do you have any idea how much backlash that can bring?"He yelled at me.

"Backlash from who? The kids? Or the kids' parents? Hunter before I came here this place was dead and now I'm doing exactly what Vince asked me to do. Bring back the ratings to the sky and spice the place up a bit. If you and the rest of the over protective parents don't like it, then don't watch it. But I sure know that those kids will still find a way to see me on their screens." I said to him then left and went to my locker room.

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