Interview With Michael Cole

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"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen of the WWE Universe. My guest at this time, please welcome the best ever, Nicki McMahon." Michael said as he smiled at me.

"Michael." I addressed him with a slight nod.

"Yes. Nicki. Welcome. The entire WWE Universe has been waiting for this interview. Myself and my colleagues as well. How are you? I'm gonna be asking you a series of questions suggested by the WWE Universe." He informed me.

I smiled at him, "I'm doing quite fine Thank you. And I understand. You may proceed."

He then began to ask me a series of questions from his iPad.

"Why are you here Nicki?" Michael asked me.

I looked at him with a straight face, urging him to proceed.

"I mean, you know who you are. The universe knows. You have nothing to prove here. So we all wanna know why?" He asked again.

I smiled and then said, " Isn't it obvious? It's all about the chaos Michael. It's what I live for."

"Ms. McMahon, chaos is an understatement if I may so so myself. You've single-handedly wrapped this entire universe around your hands. The female division doesn't even stand a chance. You are destroying superior superstars and even challenging the likes of Brock Lesnar. This isn't just chaos, this seems personal" Michael finished saying.

I nodded as I realized how deep he wanted to take this on live TV.

"I'm proud of you Michael. You've pulled for your facts. Hitting the point straight on. I like that" I laughed as I stood up.

I walked up to Michael and stood beside him, whispering into his ear whilst still speaking into the mic, " You are all pawns in my play. You haven't seen anything yet. And yes....this is personal. As for why? I don't need a reason. I am who I am."

I pushed back his head as I said into the mic, "Brock Lesnar isn't who you all think he is. You think he's this bulldozer that can't be moved? I'm gonna show you all exactly who he is when we go 1 vs 1 in an I QUIT MATCH!"

The crowd screamed in shock as I made this unexpected proposition.

"That's right Brock. I challenge you. Officially. You have a week to respond since you are hardly ever here." I smirked in the mic and walked out of the interview.


As I was walking backstage to my locker room, I saw Seth Rollins lurking in the hallways outside my door.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"What are you?" He asked me in a very serious tone.

I turned and opened my door and gestured for him to come in.

As I closed the door behind him I said, " What do you know?"

"I know you're the one who caused the pain in my head. And don't try to deny it. I saw the intensity on your face while it was happening" He said as he recalled the previous events.

I slowly walked to the couch and layed down, " I don't know Seth. I don't know what I am. And that's scary."

There was silence for a while until he said, "I'm obsessed with you. We all are"

I looked up confused, "How is that possible?"

"I don't know. At first you were just a target, a target of injustice, but now, we need you" Seth said as he stepped closer.

I sat up in the couch as he sat beside me. I looked at him and saw him smiling. "I've never realized how beautiful your scent was"

I started to get up and walk to the door as I was feeling creeped out but when I turned around to face him, he was right in my face.

He grabbed my face forcefully and forced his lips on mine. At first it was a gentle smooch but then he pushed his tongue into my mouth. That made my stomach flutter.

I jumped back in shock as I didn't recognize the butterflies.

"I'm sorry okay. I just needed to do that. I needed to taste you." He said as he frantically apologized.

I grabbed his face and then kissed him, liking the feeling of his face in my hands.

"This can never happen again" I then said to him.

He looked at me hurt, but I knew that he understood.

Then a knock came from my door.

I asked, " Who is it?"

"Seth we know you're in there." I heard Dean say.

Seth then walked over and opened the door. "Did you tell her?" Dean asked him as he and Roman walked him.

"He told me you guys were obsessed." I said as I smirked.

They all furrowed their eyebrows as they looked at me, "Why are you amused?" Seth asked me.

"Because, not only do I have the universe in my hands, but I have you guys around my fingers. That makes me a very dangerous woman." I said to them.

I looked at them in a very seductive way and then gave each of them a peck on the lips.

"And at the end of the day, I won't be the one crying. Now stay away from me before I kill you guys" I finished as I walked out of my locker room and to the hotel.


I hope they took heed to my warning, I thought to myself. The obsession they feel is the consequences of me using my powers on them. That's why I try not to use my magic, that's why my dad got mad when I did because he knows what can happen. Obsessions can get toxic and deadly. These are WWE superstars, I can't kill them. Can I?

Yes. I can but I don't want to. This was for my grandad, I just wanted to come here and make him proud of himself. Proud that I am bringing the heat and attention back to this place.

But I can't lose myself in the process.

I shrugged to myself wishing for the best as I was laying in bed ready to fall asleep.

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