Why Didn't You Tell Me?

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"Listen Nicki, I wanted to surprise you, OK? I didn't mean to hurt you. That wasn't my intention. I'm sorry. " Punk said, trying to reason with me.

"It's fine. I'm just happy that you're back." I smiled and hugged him tightly.

"Yeah so about earlier....." He trailed.

"What about earlier?" I asked him.

"With Ren-" I interupted him.

"Don't even say that bitches name. I fucking hate her. I could easily get her fired but, the WWE universe seems to like her disgusting face so I'll let her stay for now." I bluntly spoke.

"Why do you hate her so much?" He asked me while laughing.

"Because, I just get a bad vibe from her. Something about her just isn't right" I said with a serious expression.

"You know she's dating that Dean guy, right?" He asked.

"What? Why? She isn't even cute" I scoffed.

Punk and I continued to talk as we were walking out of the arena.

"You really shouldn't talk so loud. Its not lady like." Dean said coming out of a dark corner with a cigarette in his hand.

"You really shouldn't smoke either but am I stopping you?" I said and grabbed punk and went into his tour bus.

The following Raw

"I'm out here tonight to bring justice to you people," I said as I pointed towards the audience.

They cheered as though I was their master.

"A certain group of people called the Authority think they run this place and no, not because they are actually called the authority. They think they run this place because they have Stephanie McMahon and Triple H on their side." I said mockingly.

The crowd booed as I mentioned my parents' name.

"But little do they realize, they are powerless without me on their side. As far as I can see, I run this place and there's gonna be a few changes around here. As I said before, I've come to bring you all justice." I bravely said to them.

Then Hunter's music starts to play. To say I was surprised is a lie.

"Nicki look, I am your Dad. We have an amazing relationship, are you seriously going to let these stupid people in the audience ruin that?" He said to me with a pout.

I started to give him a sad look then immediately began to laugh.

"You really are pathetic aren't you?" I asked him.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You really think you're gonna convince me that you care about me more than this business?" I slowly asked him.

The crowd began to chant "NO!"

Hunter started screaming at them to shut up.

"No don't tell them to shut up. You should be the one shutting up. All you do is come out here with that cream puff Orton and talk about how great he is. Fuxk outta here with that bull" I exclaimed.

The crowd then cheered loudly at my sudden outburst.

Style and grace, I'm never gonna be done lean on in, now welcome to the Queendome.

Stephanie gracefully walked out with a smile on her face.

"Nicole! C'mon, that's enough. I don't think you remember but I am still your mother and Triple H is still your father. So cease from disrespecting us. Or else" She growled in the mic.

"Ohhhhhh or else..... Am terrified. What are you gonna do mom? You gonna slap me on the wrist or put me on time out"I laughed loudly.

"No, I have a better punishment for you"She smirked.

S.H.E. I. L. D

I gritted my teeth as the shield started making there way down towards the ring.

"Stop where you are immediately. Looking like a bunch of Swat Rosebuds. Your next move will have two consequences, either me ending your careers or me ending your life" I sneered in the mic.

Wisely they turned around and went back up the steps.

"That's what I thought"I smirked as Raw went to commercial break with my theme playing.

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