Girl Meets Demolition

Start from the beginning

"Your turn." The girl, Aubrey, said. "Triple, double, run." Maya told us as we walked towards the counter. "Yes mam'." Riley replied. "Sup." Aubrey greeted. "Sup." Riley replied. "I'll give you 38 bucks, the whole thing right now." Aubrey said. "We'll take triple." Maya told her. "Now you go up to 76, because it's double, and we'll take it." Riley said. "38." Aubrey said. "No." Riley said. "38." Aubrey repeated. "She's not doing this right." Riley told me and Maya. "Well, it can't help that you announced the plan." I said to her. ¨24." Aubrey said. "What say we keep this between you and me?" Maya asked. "What say." Aubrey said. "You offered 38. It's worth double. You know it, I know it." Maya replied.

"You know it?" Aubrey asked me and Riley. "I do." I said, with a glare. "I do candy." Riley answered, and I face palmed. "I had friends like them once." Aubrey stated. "What happened?" Maya asked. "One day, one of them floated away like a balloon and the other left because of an opportunity." Aubrey explained. "I hold on tight." Riley said. "These are my girls and that will never change." I added. "Will you go 42 bucks?" Maya asked.

"Will you buy these?" Aubrey asked holding up an ugly dress and a black velvet suit jacket decorated with blue sequence flowers and a red bow tie. "Are those even colors?" Maya asked in horror looking at the dress and jacket. Aubrey picks up the dress and turns to Riley. "This is the color of dreams, unicorns ballet dancing on a cloud. This is the color of hug, if that hug was given by everybody in the world at once, puppies. The angels call this color imaginatia." Aubrey said to Riley. "That might work on her, but Kayden's a genius." Maya told Aubrey. Aubrey picked up the suit jacket and bow tie. "Do..." Aubrey started but I quickly cut her off.
"I want it!" I said.
"Kayden!" Maya exclaimed, disappointed in me. I hung my head in shame. "May we please talk now?" Riley and I asked. "Do you have something to say that won't hurt us?" Maya asked. "I must have that dress." Riley said. "Well at least there's nothing worse you could possibly say." Maya said. Riley and I held up our emergency credit cards that our mom gave us. "Do you take this credit card my mom gave me for emergencies with a $500 limit on it? Because I need a dress for the spring formal, and I want that one. No other but that one." Riley said. "So how much for the dress of hope?" Riley asked. "And how much for the suit?" I asked.

"Riley and Kayden, she's a shark. She knows you want the dress and suit. We're not going to afford any other clothes." Maya told us. "I know Maya but she trapped me. She could sell bacon to a pig." I said. "Well, I am shocked and offended you think so little of me." Aubrey said to us. "Oh no." Maya said. "Riley and Kayden, I will let you have this dress and suit for $50 each, if you say yes right this second." Aubrey told us. "Y-." Riley and I started, but Aubrey cut us off, "$100." "Maya." Riley said. "200." Aubrey said. "I think the numbers are going up." She said. "No duh." I said, rolling my eyes. "240." Aubrey said. "I think that they're going up because they keep going up, be I'm not saying yes, and they're going up and up." Riley said.

"Nine and up-." Aubrey started. "What is happening?" Riley asked. "300!" Aubrey exclaimed. "Deal, 300." I said for the both of us. "Because it was going to be more wasn't it?" Riley asked. "Yeah, could've been. Yeah." Aubrey answered. "Ha-ha!" Riley exclaimed. "Huh-huh." Maya mockingly said. Aubrey handed me the suit and Riley the dress. "Do you have any shoes that go with imaginatia?" Riley asked. "Oh, they're the gifts that just keep giving, aren't they?" Aubrey asked Maya. "Well she is." Maya said. "She never learns." I said. "How much for the shoes?" Riley asked.


Riley, Maya, and I walked into the apartment. Riley and I both had the clothes we bought from demolition on. We sat down on the couch. "We sold all of our clothes." Maya said. "Our parents can never know about this." Riley stated and I nodded.


"Are you out of your minds?" dad asked us, after finding out we sold our clothes. "Okay." Maya said standing up. "We got ourselves in to this, we'll get ourselves out." "Yeah, that's a way to go, stubborn in the face of stupid." Dad said. "It's the only road I know." Maya replied. "There's another road." Dad told her. "There's no other road. See?" Maya asked. "There's another road. It lies at the corner of "young and vulnerable" and "ask for help"." Dad told her. "I don't live there." Maya told him then she turned to look at Riley. "You live there. Can you come up with something to get us out of this?" Maya said and sat back down.

Riley got up and hugged Dad. "Daddy, please help us. We need you, we made a mistake." Riley said to him. "Yeah this is working, this will work every time on me." Dad said. "That's great I could never say something so desperate." Maya commented. Riley stopped hugging our dad and turned to look at Maya. "You'd rather our mother, Topanga?" I asked. Maya pushed Riley out of the way and gave dad a hug. "Daddy, please help us. We need you, we made a mistake." Maya told him. "Okay, okay, all right. Listen, clearly both of you were taken advantage of. Now we're going to see how Cory Matthews responds when the people he cares about are taken advantage of. Are you ever going to do this again?" dad asked. "No." Riley and I answered while Maya answered, "Yes." "Okay, let's go anyway." Dad said. Maya and I followed him out of the apartment.


We walked into Demolition and we stopped by a table. "Alright, now who's talking?" dad asked. "You are." Maya, Riley, and I answered. "Who's not talking?" dad asked and we didn't respond. "Well done. Now let's watch what happens when someone who knows his way around the block come ridin' to the rescue of you three damsels in distress. All right who is the big bad wolf who took advantage of my little damsels?" Dad said and we followed him towards the counter. "I don't know. Who's the hip, handsome young guy who seems way too cool to be their dad?" Aubrey asked.

"What?" dad questioned. "I'm sorry. I just mean, how are you not made up in euro retro with accents of Timberlake, since you have matching bodies?" Aubrey asked. "I don't know. I am Timberlake! You know how many times I've driven past his billboard and thought, "It's me!" But no one's ever said it out loud before you!" dad exclaimed. "And now that I've said it?" Aubrey asked. "It feels right." Dad said. "Come on let's dress me up!" "Oh brother." I said, and rolled my eyes.


Dad, Maya, Riley, and I walked into the apartment. Riley and I were wearing the dress and suit we bought. Dad was dressed like "Timberlake".. "Okay, a lot of bad stuff went down in the last hour." Dad said. "What is wrong with you people?" Maya asked. "The only good thing that came out of this is that I'm bringing sexy back." Dad explained. "Mom's gonna know." I said. "She'll never know." Dad told us. "I'm only wearing this with Shawn."


"Are you out of you minds?" mom asked us. Dad got up and stood beside mom. "Mind!" dad shouted. "You." Mom said to him. "Yeah okay." Dad said. He moved and tried to sit down, but ended up having to fall down so he could sit on the couch. "Okay, I am going to give you one opportunity to tell me how it is possible that you spent, what, 80, 90 dollars between the three of you?" mom questioned. "Okay, this is going to be really bad." Dad said. "How much were the dress and suit?" she asked us. "50, 100, 200, 90, nine, nine, up, nine, up, 300 each!" Riley and I both exclaimed.

"Riley, Kayden, the credit cards were for emergencies. I made that very clear. When is buying a dress or suit ever an emergency?" mom asked. "When," I started slowly. "You," Riley continued. "Have sold the rest of your clothes."Riley finished. "Maya." Mom said to Maya. "I got beat, okay? Demolition girl's better than me, okay? I mean, she's a pro. We all know Riley's a chump and I don't know what happned with Kayden." Maya explained. "Hey!" Riley and I exclaimed. "There's an astronaut riding a horse." Maya told us. "That doesn't work..." I started, but was interupted by Riley turning around.

"But this salesgirl's the greatest scam artist I've ever seen." Maya told mom. "Cory?" mom questioned. "I'm still not convinced this outfit isn't working for me." Dad told her. "Let me assure you." She told him. "Well there's $1200 I'm never getting back!" dad exclaimed then he realized what he said. Mom's jaw dropped and dad tried to close it several times.


Maya, Riley, and I were sitting in Riley's window. "We've lost." Maya stated. "She beat us." Riley said. "We got crushed." I said. "Have I let you down?" Maya asked me and Riley, sadly. "No, peaches, how could you ever let us down?" Riley asked. We turned back so we were facing forwards. "What kind of bad influence am I on you two if I let another bad influence be a better bad influence than me in your eyes?" Maya asked. I turned to look at Maya.

"Hey, we will never have a better worse influence than you." I told her. "Thanks." Maya thanked us. She laid her head on Riley's shoulder and Riley laid her head on mine. "You'll always be my favorite chumps." "Thanks." Riley and I thanked. I sat up getting an Idea. "Would I still be one of your favorites even if I wasn't a chump?" I asked her.

"You two will always be my favorites no matter what you are." Maya answered. "Okay, good. Because I think I have an Idea." I told her. "But then you'll be a chump again?" Maya asked me. "I know you secretly like it." I told her. "I do." Maya replied.


Mom, Dad, Riley, Maya, and I walked into Demolition. Riley and I had dress and suit and Dad had his Justin Timberlake clothes. "So, you had a change of heart?" Mom asked Aubrey. "What can I say? You affected me. If you don't want the dress and suit, the right thing to do is to cancel the charges." Aubrey replied. "So we'll give you the dress and suit and you'll credit the cards?" mom asked. "$300 for the dress and suit." Aubrey said. "And $200 for Riley's shoes." I said. "Wait a minute." Aubrey said. "And $1200 for my father's stuff." Riley said placing dad's clothes on the counter.

"No, we're just talking about the dress and suit." Aubrey stated. "No, you're just talking about the dresses. I'm talking about we also get our clothes back." I replied. "Well, what has gotten into you two?" Aubrey asked Riley and I. "What has gotten into you two?" Maya asked us also. Aubrey looked through dad's clothes. "Okay, I don't see the t-shirt here." "I can't get it off. It's part of my body now." Dad explained.

"How are y'all doing?" Evelyn asked. I turned to see Crazy Hat or Evelyn walk into the store. "It's 5:00. You got my dress and suit?" She asked as she walks over to Aubrey. "Hey, aren't' you Evelyn Rand?" Aubrey asked. "Yeah, you got my dress and suit?" Evelyn asked. "Hey, aren't you like a billionaire?" Aubrey asked. "Yeah, just like one. You got my dress and suit?" Evelyn asked again. "Not her dress and suit. It's still-." I started, but Aubrey cut me off.

"Deal. Shoes, father's stuff, and the dress and suit. Now you guys get all of your old stuff, and we are done with each other." Aubrey told us. She took the dress and suit from us and we went to go collect our clothes. "Yeah I got your dress and suit, you got my $5000 each?" Aubrey asked. "$4000 each, wasn't it?" Evelyn asked. "Well it was before you were Evelyn Rand." Aubrey told her. "Now you are, now it's 5 each." Evelyn laughed and walked over to me, Riley, and Maya.

"Ooh, you're right. She's a real hoot." Evelyn said to me and Riley. "Wait, wait, you know her?" Aubrey asked. "These three? Oh yeah, they're my old pals." Evelyn answered. "You did this?" Maya asked me and Riley. "We might have made a little phone call, yeah." I told her. "Pretty good scam for two chumps." Maya complimented us. "Well, we have the best possible bad influence, do we?" Riley asked. "You did great." Maya told us. "Oh, it ain't over yet." I told her. Riley and I looked over at Evelyn. Evelyn walked back over to the counter. "I'd like to speak to the owners, please." She told Aubrey. "I don't see where that's necessary." Aubrey said. "Owners please!" Evelyn shouted.

The owners walked out from the back of the store. "What's going on out here?" the lady asked. "All sales final." The man said. "Aren't you Evelyn billionaire?" the lady asked. "Yeah. How much do you want for this whole place?" Evelyn asked. "Oh, this place is not for sale." Aubrey told Evelyn. Evelyn started to laugh. "Oh, that's cute. You believe there's a thing not for sale, you savvy little businesswoman. Well, you know what I'm going to do?" Evelyn asked as she took a piece of paper and a pen. "I'm just going to write a number on this little piece of paper, and we're just gonna see what's for sale." She wrote down a number on the paper.

"No matter what number she writes, don't react." The man told the lady. "Have I ever reacted?" the lady asked. "Not to me." The man replied. "It doesn't matter what you write, because this place is going to be mine someday. Right?" Aubrey asked. Evelyn showed the paper to the owners. "Right except," the man started. "It's not our place anymore." The lady finished. They laughed in excitement and Evelyn was laughing with them until she stopped. "You two are horrible people." She told them and then ripped up the paper.

"Wait, so you're not buying the store?" the man questioned. "Please I've got closets bigger than this." Evelyn told him. "You guys would have just sold me out." Aubrey stated. "I think we're all disappointed here." The man said. "Go back to work, dear." The lady told Aubrey before they walked to the back of the store. Aubrey got the dress and suit."You know the dress and suit really do bring out your eyes." Aubrey said. Evelyn looked at her. "Not those eyes." "Look at me." Evelyn ordered. "I'm not buying anything you're selling, and neither will anybody else, except the kids you're taking advantage of."

"Yeah." Dad agreed. "And dopes." Mom added. "Yeah." Dad agreed. "Wake up. Be better than what you are." Evelyn told Aubrey. "How'd you get to be who you are?" Aubrey asked. "By knowing what goes around comes around, and that all sales are definitely not final. And the most important thing," Evelyn said, and walked over to me, Riley, and Maya. "I got friends who I can depend on and who can depend on me. My little dollies, you can call me anytime you want." She told us then looked at me and Riley. "And you two keep being who you are." Then she left the store.

"Are we still who we are?" Maya asked. "You're not such a bad influence." Riley and I told her. "Thanks. You're not such a chump." Maya told us. "Thanks." We thanked her. "There's an astronaut riding a horse." Maya told us. "We don't fall for that anymore." I told her. Maya turned me and Riley around and there was an actual astronaut on a horse. "Do you see it, too?" Riley and I asked and Maya nodded. Riley and I both made an excited face. "It's beautiful, we must have it. How much is it?" Maya asked as we walked towards Aubrey.

Aubrey reached down and grabbed the astronaut riding the horse. "Well this is one of a kind." Aubrey said "So are you, it's yours." She handed it to Riley. Riley, Maya, and I smiled at her before we left the store.


Mom, Riley, Maya, and I were folding up the clothes we got back for Aubrey when there was a knock on the door. Mom got up and opened the door. I looked and saw Aubrey standing there. "You really think I could become a good lawyer?" Aubrey asked mom. "You got skills," Mom said pulling Aubrey into the apartment and closing the door, "but you use your skill against people. I use my skill to help people have a voice. You want to be a good lawyer, first you've got to be a good person. Do you want to be a good person?"

"How would I do that?" Aubrey asked. "Well, first you find friends like them." Maya explained pointing at me and Riley. "And never let them float or be taken away." Aubrey moved and sat down on the couch. "Can we talk about it? I could maybe use some new influences." Aubrey told us. "Oh, we have a great place to talk." Riley told her. "Yeah and we can stay there as long as you want." Mom told her. We got up and walked towards Riley's room.


All of us experience change in our lives. Change is the one constant in our lives. There are changes that we look forward to and change that we fear. However, one thing is for sure. Things will not stay the same no matter how much we would like them to. When a life change occurs, we have two choices in how to respond. We can despair that a change has come and assume that things will be worse, or we can look with excitement at the new possibilities for personal growth and change in self that the change presents. - Kayden Matthews


(A/N: Hey guys, I have two quick things I have to say.

Announcement: I have posted several stories and would love for you all to check them out. Since I have these stories I will be adding a new update schedule.

The stories are:

Sweet and Sour - Lemonade Mouth

The Heart Wants What It Wants - Descendants

So Good - Liv and Maddie

Something New - High School Musical

Best of Both Worlds - Camp Rock

Poll: As we head deeper into GMW relationships will be further developed and I wanted to know what you would like to see. Please vote down below.

Kayden, Riley, and Lucas Love triangle

Kayden and Maya

Kayden and Mason


Kayden and another character (comment which one)

Alright, thanks for reading this chapter and I will see you in the next update. <3)

Seeing The World In Color (Girl Meets World Seasons 1-3)Where stories live. Discover now