Chapter One: Part Two

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*Betty's POV*

She had been afraid that she'd have to tell Archie that his newfound passion for music wasn't a good idea. I mean nobody else would and although she was his best friend, she was also a realist, if she thought Archie was chasing a dream, he'd never achieve she'd tell him. Thankfully after no more than two lines it was clear that Archie had a real talent. His song was awesome, how had she never known what a good singer he was? Even John the self-confessed enemy of the music industry was nodding his head and smiling. Kevin was just sat in stunned silence.

Out of nowhere Archie shut his laptop.

"Can I Join?" Betty turned to see Veronica stood behind her, tray in hand.

"Yeah" Betty said, disappointed that she'd once again lost her moment with Archie.

"What are we doing" Veronica asked expectantly as she slid onto the bench opposite her and Archie, making Kevin and John move over much to their annoyance.

"Listening to one of Archie's songs" Betty replied, turning to Archie to shoot him a smile.

"I thought we were going to have to pretend to like it but its actually really good" Betty shot Kevin a glare and John laughed

"Resounding praise as usual Kevin" John patted him on the back for good measure "Honestly Arch it was really good and you know that if I'm saying that it's a big deal"

"Thanks John" Archie smiled but wouldn't meet his brothers' eyes.

"Wait that was you, singing something you wrote?" Veronica asked

Archie's smile faded "It's rough"

"No, it's great" Betty reassured, she wanted to squeeze his arm but she thought better of it.

"Its incredible actually. The little snippet I heard. Is that your thing? Music?" Betty didn't like the way Veronica looked at Archie as she said that.

"So, are going to be doing something with that?" John asked.

"That's the plan" Archie replied still not meeting Johns eyes, she made a mental note to ask Archie about that later when Veronica and John weren't around.

"So, how's your first day going" John asked Veronica

"Not to be a complete Narcissist, but I thought people would be more..."

"Obsessed with you?" Kevin finished the sentence for her "any other year you'd be trending number one for sure. This year though it's all about Cheryl trying to win the best supporting psycho Oscar for her role as Riverdale Highs bereaved red widow"

Betty noticed Archie looking away from the conversation and followed his gaze to see Cheryl walking towards the table.

"I should go I've got that meeting with Grundy the football tryouts" Archie stood up to leave.

"You play football too? What don't you do?" Veronica sounded genuinely impressed which Betty didn't think was possible for a girl like her.

As Archie walked away Kevin sighed "Before you ask Blue Jasmin no Betty has not asked him to the semi-formal yet"

"No not yet and don't talk about Archie" Betty barely managed to get the warning out before Cheryl arrived at the table.

"Veronica Lodge" Cheryl said, her voice dripping with fake interest "I'd heard whisperings. I'm Cheryl Blossom. May I sit? Betty would you mind?"

It wasn't a question which was proven by Cheryl sitting right next to her and forcing her down the bench.

"So, what are you three gossiping about? Archie's Efron-esque emergence from the chrysalis of puberty?"

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